Respidol Side Effect (Top voted first)


My 13 year old son is prescribed respidol 3mg. Reading about the side effects, I learned some boys start developing female like breasts during to increased level of prolactin hormone in the body. Has anyone experienced that and if so what was the level of prolactin when the breast started to develop. Also, if you stop taking the med. did the breast development reverse and/or stopped? Thanks.

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Not every male that takes it experiences this side effect, according to the FDA and I can say that my ex-husband didn't, when he was on it for awhile. The worst side effects for most people are weight gain and sedation. My ex had to stop taking it, because he couldn't stay awake, no matter how hard he tried.

I don't know what the levels are, when development starts, but yes, from what's stated, it is reversible, once the medication is stopped.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you. I appreciate it. What is posted on the internet is scary. My son's doctor says there are not enough cases to do a study and research. So not even the doctors can conclude what is the level to be concerned with.

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