Remeron + Clonazepam = False Positive For Restoril (Top voted first)


I am desperately trying to find out if Remeron + Clonazepam can cause a false positive for Restoril.. I stand a great deal to lose over this unfortunate test result and I'm at my wits end. Please help.

4 Replies

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Clonazepam is a benzo just like Restoril. So it has nothing to do with the combo. BTW it would just test positive for benzos. Unless it was put under mass spec, they can't tell the difference. So if you have a script your safe.

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Clonazepam and temazepam (Restoril is a BRAND of temazepam, manufactured by Mallinckrodt, Inc., and in capsule form, imprinted with the name, strength, the Mallinckrodt 'M' in a box logo, and the legend 'FOR SLEEP') molecules are sufficiently different from each other that they can not be distinguished except by a very sensitive test which costs a fortune and would never be used unless it was absolutely necessary to do so - for a serious court case or the likes... I had to look up REMERON as it is a BRAND name and not the name of any drug. You are talking about mirtazipine, an SSRI antidepressant which bears no chemical relationship to benzodiazepines whatsoever. I can not think of, nor find, any possible reason there could ever be any such thing as a false positive; as I said, the test needed to distinguish temazepam' and clonazepam costs an absolute fortune so I can't even understand why you would have been tested for different BzDs in the first place! Certainly the mixture of mirtazapine and clonazepam has no possible chemical reason to show up for temazepam. Chemically impossible.

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There have been studies about a lot of false positives, in think it was Ameritox, don't quote me. Google this info on how these tests are really ruining ppl s lives, they get fires for these false negatives and leaves one in pain or anxiety/insomniacs without their meds.
Please look it up, it's very important if u may lose your meds because of an error. Good luck to you all.

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Isn't restoril the generic name for temazepam which is also a benzo like the klonopin you took

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