Real Talk


For those who are asking about the Xanax pills, obviously they were not prescribed to you. If so your doctor would have discussed all aspects of what he was prescribing. Also when purchase of such prescription to you would have came with an information sheet providing all answers to the questions you are asking. Not trying to be a downer and I have made my mistakes but its really not worth taking pills not prescribed to you. You may think its harmless but I have lost 3 friends to pills. If you get out and live life you will not to take pills to make you feel good cause you will feel good about yourself already. I know most of you won't read this or care if you do but your life is worth more than chasing a high when you can be living life with a natural high. If you do please make sure that you are not taking different pills that may interact negatively with each other. If you feel stuck, down or depressed there is always help. Just remember its not that bad and you can be better

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What an awesome post! I'm sure it will help many people.

As to doctors tell someone about a medication they're prescribing, unfortunately that doesn't always happen. I've assisted many people whose doctors just threw prescription sheets at them and they had no idea why it was even prescribed. Sometimes doctors get too busy and don't give their patients the time they should.

And another unfortunate fact is that not all pharmacies bother to print the monograph sheets, either.

Additionally, this site is open to people all over the world and the same laws don't apply everywhere.

Learn more Xanax details here.

I am very sorry that you've lost loved ones so tragically.

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I was so thrilled to see a post such as yours...I found this site about 4 days ago by accident, but wanted to look it over as it seemed at first to be for medical information...the more I have read it has sickened me to the core. I'm not being judgemental,but as a 44 yr old woman who is dependent on several controlled drugs and uncontrolled ones for various lifelong illnesses I am angered at what I am seeing on post after post after post... I just can't believe the number of people looking for what SO many pills by the markings on them. I live in an area where pill abuse is MORE THAN ABUNDANT and unfortunately I know most of these posts are by younger people who have purchased pills from others whether on the streets or by illegal websites and their questions are only because they are using the pills for recreational use! I'm angered because it's the ones that misuse them that cause the REAL problems bringing on legislations and regulations for the "honest Joe" who truly NEVER misuses their medications! And they have NO REGARD for the honest patient for they are on here BRAGGING their misuses and street slang terminologies. I'm sorry VERWON if this comment seems unappropriate,but as much helpful information as I've read I have seen numerous and multiple repetitous questions about the same pill id's over and over and over....other's are arguing amongst themselves in comments on posts that I truly had interest in about topics completely off topic from the original post. I am glad tho that at least by doing the pill identifications maybe you have saved some lives by some NOT comsuming something they were led to believe were something entirely different...

Just as Buzz Kill, I have lost several friends/family members to overdoses and addiction...divorced from alcoholic/pill addict...was able to save my only sister from her pill addiction 2 years ago and pray for those lost in the arms of addiction each night. I guess it hurts to see people flaunting their "misuse" and then getting angry at others for being honest on subjects like early refills needed and unable to get because they GAVE someone else their own meds being telling the person that what they did was ILLEGAL and also how they could have possibly killed that other person by giving them controlled medications.

My best advice to anyone out there is if you do not HAVE to take a pill for an illness then PLEASE never take one for the sheer experience of trying it...if your life was a daily cycle of HAVING to do it in order to be functional (not "high", but functional) you would understand MY dilemma. Although once an addict you no longer have that CHOICE to use, you DO have the choice to NOT use the very first one. PLEASE don't throw your precious lives away!!!


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