Quitting Pristig
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I have never been prescribed a AD before. I was diagnosed with anxiety & depression. My GP advised taking Prisitig 100g daily which I have been taking for 3 1/2 months. 2 weeks ago I started feeling extremely nauseous, Gastro problems,dizziness and a general feeling of tiredness. I made an indépendant decision to quit the drug. I am into my second day of withdrawal and I feel like a zombie, I have all the withdrawal symptoms mentioned by you guys. I am going to persevere as I want to get off this nasty AD and AD's in general and start feeling human again. I know it depends on the individual but does anyone have a guess to how long a process this is??

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I am now on pristige for one week at 50 mg. How long before I stop feeling so anxious?

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Hello, Spartacus! How are you? Have things improved, yet?

You weren't on it for too long, so it should only take about 2 weeks, or so, though it can vary from person to person.

As listed by the FDA, other withdrawal effects may possibly include diarrhea, rebound depression and rebound anxiety.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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