Pharmacy Ripped Me Off (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My husband has a prescription for 90 1mg generic xanax 90 count. We just got home and when he counted the bottle there were only 60 tablets. The pharmacist says the medication was double counted because it is a class 3 drug, however, I also picked up a class 4 medication today temazepam and it certainly was not double counted. Isn't there a way that we can find out if they shorted him? I should note that the pharmasist is being very defensive and rude..I know that they are wrong, but they say they are right..I should say the Pharmacy is new to Ca, It is CVS.. What happens if wwe have a stand off? Do we have anyway of proving them wrong. My husband has daily severe panic attacks and being shorted 30 is a big deal. Thanks for any help anyone can give me

56 Replies (3 Pages)

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There is NO chance that the pharmacy or any employees of the pharmacy stole from you or their employer,CVS. Because of all the drug abuse and robberies etc etc,surveillance and security has increased to extreme levels and many of them have surveillance and safe gaurds that are more complex systems than many banks. It is virtually impossible for the pharmacist or any pharmacy employees to steal. Your husband has severe panic attacks and his Dr. only gives him 90 xanax?

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Demand that they do a full inventory of their klonipin supply from the time of filling yours up until present.

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CVS rips ppl off a lot and the others will also.After watchingy husband blew his head off& I have been on zanax for yr 9 years my Doctor is trying to cut me off&I am freaking out.Sorry off subject just so many bad things they do when u need your med like leaving 30 out&cutting ppl off.Had a nurse one time after a c-section take king my pain med I wrote her up -don't k ow what happen.I do know I can't go without my medicine&am panicked already.

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I had such a problem with my pills coming up short that now I stand there in front of the pharmacist and count the pills in front of them when I pick them up! Shorting my prescription has happened to me quite a few times at different pharmacies! They are drug addicts too! Bound to happen working around those pills!

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Excellent direction. Unfortunately we're in the awful position of having to advocate for ourselves--usually when at a time when we are least feeling capable of doing so. But we're on our own, and if we don't stand up on our hind legs and make noise, no one will do it for us.

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I'll never forget onetime when in day surgery a urologist did a colonoscopy on me and I woke up during the procedure and started screaming during the procedure because it hurt so bad. He started saying "shut up" in a very mean voice and took that scope out of me. Then I saw him take what was left of that stuff that was hooked up to me to tranquilize me and use it for himself! I couldn't believe it but he really did that! Obviously I never went back to him. Strangely, some years later I saw on the news that someone went to his house and painted swastikas across the front of his house! Bizarre!

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You sound like you need to get back on your meds.

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I was just shorted for the FORTH TIME on my pain meds! This is a Weis Pharm in PA. The first time, one pill, I called the next day and a bottle with one pill was waiting for me. This was years ago when my total was lower. The next time I was shorted 63! The next day they were all apologetic and said confusion during training, gave the pills. The third time, short one again, they counted their remaining, said they found a half a pill not part of the total, so gave me my missing whole. This time, OH NO, WE NEVER MAKE MISTAKES.. and now they -conveniently- don't remember the other THREE times!! AND had the nerve to tell me they are insulted at the insinuation that they could EVER make a mistake!! Even asked me -why- am I counting my meds? Like an abuser or something, ummm cause u can't seem to get it right all the time! R U KIDDING ME!! Now it's not even about the short anymore. it's about them calling me a liar -(in other words of course!) Why would I lie over ONE pill after being a customer for over 20 years!!?? I brought the bottle back and asked it to be counted and RIGHT THEN a pharmacist added one to the total! Oh but they couldn't possibly make a mistake!! I am pissed beyond belief, I need to know where to report them where it counts, not with their own people who don't give a cr**.. but to a drug dept in PA. Does anyone know where to take this complaint? ABSOLUTELY HATE PENNSYLVANIA.. for 100 reasons, this is just the most recent!

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Ya u should first always count a narcotics before leaving second they have to keep detailed account of number of educations if he put it in his pocket it of been in tape stop getting so high on ur benzos and you'd of thought of this

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Shemp, don't be a Stooge. First of all Xanax is not a Narcotic, 2nd there is no need to count your pills at a pharmacy and hold up the line. Patients like you make the system worse

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Me to 30 anxiety pills and every month 2-3 or 3-4. Dr thinks Iam lying now what

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The day before yesterday I picked up 2 prescriptions. She's been getting the same RX from the same clinics/doctors over 12 years and have been customers at the same Lucky supermarket/Pharm. for 14 years without problems. The Rx was faxed to the usual pharmacy. My wife was feeling sick and I prepared her usual dose as recommended.. The next morning I prepared her dose, she was having a surgical procedure early Wed morning. I prepare almost all of her meds, she has a feeding tube to avoid nausea and vomiting non-stop; she has achalasia and vomiting can last 6-12 hours and much longer. I called the pharmacy first chance Wed. morning, to get a bunch of double talk from the asst. Pharm.. She says she can't do anything till she hears from the real Pharmacist who's on vacation till monday. My wife will be out of meds by then. She has been admitted to Stanford Valley Care Hosp. in Pleasanton, Ca close to ONE HUNDRED times. My wife is very sick, Dr Zafre @ Axis Comm Health, before her Dr Taffreshian, before her Dr Julier. Now that the Muslim Brotherhood, Isis and other Muslim terror groups have flooded American streets with opiates and SEVERELY cut back writing Rxs for pain killers, patients with 10 plus years of history without problems are being accused of lying and not being reimbursed for missing meds that they are charging for. So you know what Dr's and greedy Big Pharma CEO's do, they raise the prices. Now patients are turning to cheaper, and more readily available opiates. This all seems too coincidental to me. I'm far too educated to see a coincidence. I also want to point out that more than half of the Rx staff has been employed at this store less than a year... Please tell me how and where to report this: Lucky Pharmacy, m 2000 portola avr, Livermore, CA 95440.

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Funny you should mention that the pharmacy was a CVS, because guess what, it happened to me too!! Last month my boyfriend went in to pick up my two scripts; one for 1mg klonopin count 60 and .5mg xanax count 60. Well, when I opened the Xanax it seemed to be low on pills. I then counted them and was shorted about 28 pills!!! I called CVS to report and they asked me a few questions such as to look at the bottle and see if the quantity was numbered as well initials next to it. That is supposed to mean that it is double counted. Well counted in their favor!!! They told me they couldn't do anything about it since I already had picked up the script and left the store. I was really upset but I just let it go. Well now it's a month later and I went to pick up my pills today. I told them what happened last month and said hat I'm going to count them right then and there because then I have a witness and a camera videotaping to prove if I found the count to be off. Guess what the sneaky pricks did it again but this time took 32 Klonopin!!! I freaked out and said we'll look here it's happened again!!! The girl then gave it to the pharmacist manager to review. He gave me more pills and didn't even say he was sorry but just that he was going to talk to the person who did the first count on the script. That person wasn't working at the time. I said I was upset and wanted to know if I should call the police or whatever. The manager said he was going to look into and that's when I said well I want your name and I'm going to report this!! So off I went to the police station and filied a report and was given a DC number for further reference. The police said that since the pharmacy gave me the pills that they couldn't press charges against them. But I could if I felt necessary file a civil legal suit. Well, I don't have the money for that!!! So I now am looking into reporting this to the FDA. It's important because who knows how many others are being ripped off and seriously when I saw your post that just further justifies my anger and belief and CVS are thieves!! Also, I am calling CVS headquarters because this isn't fair! So my advice to you is when you pick up your script next time.. do what I did and count them right in front of them. Don't say that you are planning on doing it though prior to going there. Because then if they know what's going on and are the culprit well they will then file your script accurately. You need to catch them red handed like I did!!! I will post more and hope you do the same because I want to see how this pans out. I refuse to let it slide though. So let me know what happens on your end too! Good luck to you!

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Jenn, you normally can't sue anyone unless you have damages. What are yours? You went to the Police and are now going to call CVS corporate, the DEA & retain a lawyer. Why I'd call my State Board of Pharmacology or whatever its called in your state, the people who regulate Pharmacies

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each pharmacy is only allowed so many of certain meds evev if they did and I believe you that they did because it happened to me at CVS in Virginia and I went right back and I got mine it depends on how long it's been because even if they did a count I'm sure the ones missing are gone by now, best bet no matter what recount before you leave the store if it is any kind of narcotic medication

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Did you go to CVS? I got ripped off by the one on Marconi and Fulton in Sacramento, CA. They first told me my methadone needs prior authorization on Medicare for 240. NOT! It's 360 for an exception. I had to buy it, I had left the written Rx There for a week so they could check with my Dr.. It was Fri and I was out completely! They told me $60 on Thursday, then $35 with a discount card. Then the other woman there said no you can't use a discount card for narcotics! I don't know why I was charged $98! I'm sure they will pocket it. I'm calling corporate at CVS, Medicare and the Ombudsman. I have worked for Doctors for yrs years before my Stroke. Do NOT let them get away with it. It's a federal offense and they are ripping you off. There is no such thing as double pricing except in her book. Get your money back and get her busted and fired!

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