Pfizer Xanax 2mg Fake Or Real (Top voted first)


So I filled my prescription for a 100 pack a few days ago of some Pfizer xanax with the 2 on the back. (Or what I thought it was). I rarely take benzos ever so my tolerance is so low that if I take 1 bar & sit down too long I go to sleep. The first night I got them I took 1 slept like a baby, next day took 2 slept all day. The next day I can't remember how many I took. Thing is today I'm at work & have been breaking little pieces off periodically through the day & feel no effects whatsoever so far. I normally can barely handle one & I'm on at least 2 maybe 2 & 1/4 today & feel normal. Also most xanax I've had is horribly bitter, this pill does have the same bitter taste but not nearly as strong, & goes away very fast. Could they be fake, or do they lose potency with age? Also they are almost chewy not crumbly & don't crack. They just kind of mush up in my mouth. Any help with a link to explain would be great.

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First of Eddy, someone else drove me to work, I work offshore on a ship. I didn't order them from a foreign country. I just happened to know someone who stockpiles 100 packs. I didn't really need your opinions of how to live my life, was trying to figure if they are real or if counterfeit Pfizer's are common. Come to think of it I'm actually damn happy with my life, I work 6 months out of the year, make right at 90k after taxes, take vacations, so maybe just don't worry or concern yourself with people "like me, who need help". Obviously just the fact that you would judge me with no prior knowledge of my lifestyle should tell you maybe you should worry more about yourself. Anyways.

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I do what I like to do when & where I choose to do it. I pay taxes, support myself, I think if I wanna party for a few years I'm allowed. Maybe it is killing me, but I could eat that whole bag of bars & wake up fine the next morning but get hit by a car while checking my mail dude. They say I'll learn when I get older, I just say no that's not true, that just means when you were younger you couldn't afford the lifestyle we do.

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Amen. Thank you. Judgmental people pretending to care, hiding behind their computer with their rude opinions.

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I think they are fake or really old. You said they were like mush in your mouth, good sign of being old. I'm in the east bay where there's lots of fakes. They put anti seizure medicine and barbitutes aka sleeping medicine to knock u out.

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I was drinking yesterday on them, I don't drink during my work weeks. I know they look like bars, & have that bar taste its just not a strong taste & doesn't last long as say a g3722, or a yellow or green one ya know. I feel like they could be homemade/pressed & just cut down. They're literally identical to the pfizers. Has anyone had this?

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If they were working, I highly doubt they're fake. What you've done is gotten your tolerance up. While at work I wouldn't suggest taking as many as you have to to sleep, or you'll go to sleep. There could be other reasons other than the main obvious one, being

A.) higher tolerance...

B.) depending on where you purchased, especially online, they could be way, way weaker due to whomever making them in mass quantities, I'm assuming illegally, some may have different potencies.

C.) some may be real, and just to fill the rest of the pack up, they could've just pressed any type of powder into a xan pole mold and called it a day, which is unlikely but I wouldn't put it past anyone selling benzos online by the hundreds.

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Wow that's crazy. SAME thing happened to me. It stuck to my teeth, had no taste, maybe like Plato, and I felt nothing. They were s***. I am almost 100% they're fake no lie. I'm in TN and maybe they've made there way around but I'm pissed about it. If you order fake crap, it will come with whatever you want it to say on it! They said xanax (faded barely could see) and on the other side 2. I'll never take one that looks like that again. I knew it was too good to be true. Those are old skool.

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The best way to tell if it's fake or not is this, order some u/a strips for benzos. Get someone that you know does not use benzos to pee. Scrape some of the pill into the urine then evaluate the urine with the u/a strips. If it comes back positive for benzos then they are real. If it comes back negative the pills are fake... p.s. you can find the benzos u/a strips for cheap on the internet.

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I know they don't come from a pharmacy in 100 packs Lol he's obviously a illicit pharmacist. I just think they're fake or not full 2 Mg's that's all

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Just be careful with them. They are obviously illegal to possess if you don't have a prescription and can be habit forming, especially if you are taking a bunch of them to compensate.. When you withdraw off this stuff you can get very sick. I'm sure you have medical coverage and it would be best to see a U.S. based Doctor.

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FAIL, unfortunately this neat untried trick of yours would not work as the drug-panel, u/a's look for the metabolites in the drug in your urine. Not the drug in the urine. The drug in this case alprazolam would need to be digested in your stomach, passed through the liver and pissed out in order to show itself on the drug panel.

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If she's not going to start being a bible thumping hypocritically evil a**hole like u then why don't try giving her some advice that will actually help her instead of just being rude. Some people are gonna use drugs regardless. If u care about helping them to stop then at least post something that will help them stay safe while the are using drugs- so that in the future they can make the decision not to.

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BTW Rohypnol or Roofies are actually WEAKER mg for mg than xanax but a 200 hr half life vs 6 hr for xanax. Do your research ppl. Benzos have ruined my life. 15 yrs on them. You need more and more VERY FAST.

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I have a friend whoI hav xanax 100 pack's. it's rare becauseit' the city I live in we haven't had real xanax bars for a long time we usually get GG or other generic types the thing th the doctors write your prescription and it says generic so you get alprazolam, so getting a bar that actually is horse h xanax on it with the two on the back is rare and a friend of mine has been getting them by thethem by the 100s everyone has had a different has had A different opinion I believe that they're real they match the marking there 15mmas described on pill identification I believe they sit on the shelf because doctors don't write for the real xanax you're going to get alprazolam which is the generic version so if all the markings are there and you don't feel like you usually do they're not fake they do lose potency with timeanswer the one guy if you eat one and then to the next day and then a s*** load while you're drinking your third day at work biting little bits off isn't going to work pal it's called tolerance

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I've never gotten mushy ones that were real... but ur tolerance could be the issue if they are real benzo tolerance can change in just a couple days... ive gone from ten mg (daily) 5brs to 1mg 1/2a bar in less than a week... also went the other way and had a ton so i took around 7 brs / 14mg a day and leveled out at that dose within days.... i have fast metabolism as well. 5 10' 150 pounds.... your metabolism has more to do with bioavailabiliy, high, and tolerance than most relize..... hope this helps... read up on the way xanax stores in ur body if u wanna get off or just lower ur daily need/tolerance.

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White xanax bars in MEMPHIS TN ARE FAKE!! Do not take them! They look real but are not!!! #2 on one side & Xanax on the other with the lines aligning correctly! They are mushy, chewy like... Your call on what you spend your money on...

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Its called tolerance. Benzodiazepines are only effective for 2-4 weeks. Your getting a tolerance.

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Bulls***. I get 100 every month from the pharm. This guy dont know s***. He has no life and no respect to talk to u like that. Yeah, If u got a problem u need help but his mouth wont help that. There is a lot of fakes going round detroit too and yes, identical. Same N same complaints. U said. However being i take 100 every month n get my blood work done by my doc every 3 months n i'm healthier than him. ill tell u something i learned, is that Zannies. Dbl. in tolerance overnight. That's why i get 100 every month cuz two weeks into it it doesn't take away my ptsd. Away, odds are u got fakes. What Kills me is Jerkoffs Like That commenting on ur lifestyle. And Dont know ish. Bout ish. Must be a trump fan. Sounds like em huh. Hope i could help. I wouldn't have said nothing but that's bs. You dont attack an addict and give them no self worth. Yes you may be a working addict but It's still bad for ya. Talking to u as a human maybe it would sink in, not enrage you. So dont feed off into a 300 lb. attention seeking judgmental prick and make sure u get wiser b4 u get older. The only thing we cant buy off the street is health bro. U made a great life but what good is it if u od or kill ur liver n stuff. This comes from a guy who takes this crap. Sorry for my 2 cents.

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I'm in the same boat as Xanie King. What kind of questions do you have to ask?

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whaaaaaa. not a whole 3 bars and drinking.. not everyohne can be as hardcore as you and drink a redbull with a cup of coffee. dont want to risk taking 3 whole prescription pills.

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