

My husband found an old bottle of oxinol which was produced by Dr Scholls for sore feet. He has used it on his big toe and it has relieved his pain. He would like to buy a new bottle but doesn't know if it is still being made.

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I, too, am interested in finding Oxinol by Dr. Scholl's. I ask that you please notify me if information is available. Thank you.


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I ran out of an old bottle of Oxinol for ingrown nails and cannot find it anywhere. Why would this be taken of the market? I can't believe they would take such a good product off the market. I even have an ingrown nail, because my manicurist, several years ago used a sanding disk on more than one person and when she nicked my skin, I got a bad fungal infection, which I had to take a fungal medication for three months to get rid of. Now my nails curl under on the sides and ingrow. It really hurts and Oxinol greatly relieved the pain as it heals. Please put this product back on the market. Thank you.

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Also looking for this product. Is there a reason it was taken off market?

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More Discussions:

oxinol dr scholl s

Wanted to know if you still carry this product or something close to it. Oxinol was a wonderful pain reliever. Thank you...