Ocala Gainesville Fl Panick Attack Dr
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Have been on Xanax for yrs and cannot find anymore since I moved from SC to FL....pls help!!!! I have panic attacks....can't just go off this medication cold turkey?!?!

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Hello, I was just wondering if you have found a good source for xanax. I can't get a doctor to refill my prescription, am getting so tired of doctors who play god!

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Thanks, David. I called about 10 psych drs and the first appt I could even get for an evaluation was mid May. I am at a point of desperation now. I'm young and new here and can barely keep it together. Any other suggestions?!?! I cannot make it that long.

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If you suffer from anxiety and need a Benzodiazepine class medication (like Xanax), usually your best bet is to see a psychiatrist, rather than a regular medical doctor. Reason being is that they are better trained in the types of medications that handle these problems as well as having a better understanding of how to cope with situations in the event that you don't have your medication on hand. Many general physicians are also reluctant to prescribe controlled substances due to abuse and the heavy regulations that they have to abide by from the government.

If it's of any help, linked below is a list of psychiatrists in Gainesville, FL:

Hope this helps!

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