Neotrofin Study For Parkinson's (Top voted first)


I was the first person on earth to test Neotrofin against Parkinson's in 2002 at the Parkinson's & Movement Disorder Institute in Fountain Valley California. This drug worked wonders and I was hoping that the FDA would rush approval for it to be used against several brain diseases. I then learned that the manufacturer of Neotrofin went out of business and refused to turn over the rights to anybody. I thought that was such a tragedy to humanity. This drug had absolutely NO side effects. You could not tell you had any medicine in your body. It helped my Parkinson's symptoms for up to 4 months after i stopped taking it. This website is the first that I have found that looks like the drug is in use. I hope it's not an old site telling me that Neotrofin is not available.

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I would like to add more information about my article on Neotrofin. I live in Rancho Cucamonga, California and when I joined the study to test Neotrofin against Parkinson's, it was a new Alzheimers drug and it was featured on the TV program 60 Minutes and showed how well it worked on Alzheimers patients in as little as 6 weeks. It reversed the disease and when I tested it, I was told that it could help several brain disorders like MS, Tourrett's Syndrome, OCD, Autism and many other disorders.
If anybody has any information to give me on Neotrofin, i would appreciate what you can share, since this medicine could be the closes thing to a cure for millions of people. It gave me back part of my life from Parkinson's. I believe that if the study that I participated in would have been longer than 6 weeks, I may be cured today.

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Hi James!!! Are you still using the neotrofin??? Do you keep having good results??? I have Parkinson, and Im looking for more alternatives. Thanks for answering !!!

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