Loose Motion Immediately After Having Food (Top voted first)


my child is 2.8years old
he have loose mortion immediate after having food
if not food immediate mortion
what do i do

5 Replies

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My son is 6 years old having motion immediatly after consuming food in Breakfast, Lunch & Dineer. We are not giving any medicine. He is also not gaining weight and weighing only 20-22 KG. Pls suggest what could be the probable reason for the same.

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Have you consulted his doctor about this?

It is, sometimes, normal for some people to have a bowel movement immediately after eating, however, it shouldn't be diarrhea, all the time, because it can lead to other health problems, such as diarrhea.

What country are you in? Without knowing this information, I can't check what medications or treatment options may be available to you.

You learn more about it, as well as possible causes and treatments here:


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I am facing loose motion 4-5 times a day but I dont feel any other problem, what may be the cause and what is the remedy

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After morning food and lunch i am getting motion , it is not loose motion ?? this prob i am having long years

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My 2 year son got the loose mtion from last 5-6 days.
He is always fit & healthy. He eats fruit, lentil & rice,pourage etc.
We are not giving any medicene to him at all.
In this situation , what can do? please help me.

Thanks & Regards,

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