Long Island Ny Doc? (Top voted first)


Looking for a doc in Nassau/Suffolk, Lng Island that will prescribe Phentermine, anyone know of one? I honestly just want o take it for about 2-3 mos to get off about 30-40lbs, dont want for long term use. Been looking to order onlone but cannot find the REAL stuff without needing a script. If anyone knows a site I can order from, WITHOUT a script, please share as well! Need ASAP please and I just got a new jon and will no longer have insurance as of May 1, need to fill a script before then if i go the doc route!

On another note, anyone know anything about adipex or any of those dissolving versions of Phentermine, if so, what would you recommend I try to purchase or get a script for.

Thanks everyone!

2 Replies

Earliest Newest Votes

Hi Lovely,

To my understanding, any regular medical doctor should be able to prescribe you Phentermine.

Here are few of the top board certified MD's that you may want to consider:

John Oppenheimer, MD (Internal Medicine)
Hospital: Southampton Hospital
City, State: Sag Harbor, NY
Phone: 631-725-4600
Board Cert: Internal Medicine 1984

Lydia E Gorski, MD (Internal Medicine)
Hospital: Winthrop University Hospital
North Shore University Hospital
City, State: New Hyde Park, NY
Phone: 516-352-0430
Board Cert: Internal Medicine 1988

Robert Bernard, MD (Internal Medicine)
Hospital: Peconic Bay Medical Center
City, State: Wading River, NY
Phone: 631-929-5900
Board Cert: Internal Medicine 1989

I'd also try doing a Google search for a certain type of doctor in your area if none of these ones end up working out.

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Phentermine Details

I hope this info helps!

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