I Need This Drug Identifyed..


Okay, well I found some sort of a drug in my younger sisters room.
It's a small red pill with what looks like a flower design on it. And it was in a small plastice bag which had the design of a kings crown on it. Please help me identify this.
Thank you.

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red color, about 7 milimeters broad, t imprinted on one side and a cut on the other to share it

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The drug with the flower design does not sound like any type of prescription drug I've ever heard of, I know of no company logo like that. Are there any other markings?

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The red T tablet contains 325mgs of Aspirin, a generic or store brand of Ecotrin, this is a pain reliever, fever reducer.

Some of the most common side effects include: nausea and stomach ulcers.

You can read more about it here:


Is there anything else I can help you with?

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