I Want To Commit Suicide That Is Why I Want The Cyanide Pill (Page 7) (Top voted first)


I want to commit suicide, that is why i want the cyanide pill.

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I stopped blogging on boards, but I followed a link here, and I am glad I did............ The Lord our Savior is the answer for your pain. He is the REAL answer. Him alone and not people, although he will bring certain good people into your path who will aid you in staying strong and finishing your race on this earth. That's all I can say. People who are at their end and suffering can ask to "go home" to him. They can ask God to come for them, because they're old, in pain, and ready. Friends and I have prayed for the Lord to take sick, elderly Christians out of their suffering, and he's done it. That's okay. But if you have years and life ahead, you must try EVERY avenue -- including HIM! People commit suicide every day and their hardened hearts have never allowed them to go to him. I don't understand that. I believe they just don't want to know him or to do what he asks of them. They don't want to stop doing bad things while they are alive. You may not believe in God, but he is always there for you... waiting. He's always waiting for people to choose him. He doesn't force himself on us. He wants your love. He wants you to be with him in eternity. And that, my dear, is your purpose in life -- to get THERE and be with him. Your purpose is not to live like a celebrity or to have the biggest house or to have so many material things and wild fun. That's what this society treasures, but the Lord said all that is going to pass away. And people who are first in this life, will be last in the next one. He gives us some enjoyment because we still have to live here. Without any joy, none of us would want to live day-to-day. The purpose of your life is simply for you to learn of him and to "choose" him for yourself so that one day you will be with him and the rest of the family of God (fellow children of God) forever in a paradise. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. God promises you "joy unspeakable." He promises that if you choose him here, any pain or suffering you experience here will be a thing of the past. You'll be so happy in the next life, you won't even think about what happened here. It won't matter. You will never cry again. Your creator knows how to make you happy forever. Don't you want to be there? I sure do!!! That's why I'm here, and I have suffered ALL my life. But I hold on to the promise. I want HIS will done, and not my own. The bible says as far as the earth is from the heavens, that's how much higher his thinking is than ours. That's why we cannot comprehend everything about God, but once we know his goodness and love, we trust him into eternity. You are his precious creation. He loves you! There isn't another soul created exactly like you. That blows my mind! That makes you special and unique to him........... I believed in God, but I wasn't ready to follow his ways when I was young. I remember telling him something like, "Lord I haven't lived enough. I haven't experienced things that other people have, so I'm not ready yet. I still want to have more fun. But at the end of this life, I want to be with you in paradise." After that, my life quickly went through a series of miraculous changes. I had not seen any of it coming. I was finally able to do some things I wondered about, and it brought me nothing but heartache! All those things I thought would make me happy, did not. After nearly 10 years of that, I was ready to give my life to God and accept his son Jesus as my savior. I was so sure about it because he was so real to me. No phoniness. I said, "Lord, make me into the person you want me to be. I give you the permission. I give you my life. I just know I want to be where you are one day. I want to see your face and I want you to be pleased with me." Right after I'd made up my mind, I knew I should get baptized, but I was not part of a church at the time. Then the Lord did some other miraculous things. He brought people my way who led me to get baptized. It was so amazing! HE did it, and I know he did it. Then, many things happened that I see as God's way of strengthening a new believer. He proves himself to you and you can never forget it. It takes humbleness to approach him. He is moved when people are humble. Many hurting people are instead angry and they go to God demanding and hateful. You should not do that. He created you for himself. That's the simple truth. The motivation was love. That's why parents have their own kids. They do it for themselves, not for the child's sake. They want their own child to love and nurture. And God's love is perfect, not like ours............ I've been a baptized Christian for 20 years. I have never thought of backsliding. I am an attractive lady, but I did not want to marry again, and somehow God changed my desires and I've been able to live clean in that way. That's really amazing! I have also been attacked. Christians will be attacked by the spirits of darkness. There is an entire unseen spiritual world that is battling for control of your soul. One day our eyes will be able to see what was around us. Attacks are just going to happen sooner or later. I've dealt with much death and sickness. I've had depression since I was little. I've felt like giving up, but I always go to Lord and say, "Lord, I don't know if I can make it, I am so down now. Please carry me." He WILL do it! Sometimes he makes a situation look impossible and then if you cry out to him, he will ACT immediately! He does not like to see his children suffer. Your faith gets stronger when that happens. It's happened to me several times. What do I do then? I tell everyone who will listen that GOD did it. He changed the situation for me, because I was hopeless and I couldn't see any way out. I give him 100 percent the credit. And then I remember these things during the next struggle I go through. Even though I have been down to the lowest, since I gave my life to him, I have never been able to say he does not exist. Instead, the hardest thing for me is that I get tired, physically and emotionally from hardships. Sometimes you are more tired than anything else. You're tired of going through the same hurting emotions again and again. It's almost burnout. That's when you want to give up because it's like pouring salt on a wound. I go through hills and valleys all the time. What I remember is that God said he works out everything for the good of those who love him. In other words, nothing in a believers life is a mistake. It all serves a purpose. He is slowly changing your character through these hills and valleys. He has gotten me to the point where I don't look to other people for my help. I always go to Him first. Changing your circumstances is nothing difficult for him to do. You have to believe that. He can bring you a purpose for living. He can bring you fellowship (friendships) with others. He can provide for your needs, financial and otherwise. Once you are a his, he is always working on your "character," moving bad things away from you, changing your mind about stuff. And getting you healthy enough to help others. Some people will dislike you, but other people and believers will see God's love in you and want to be around you. You wake up one day and you're like, "Oh my goodness, I don't want to do that anymore." God changes your heart and mind through his Holy Spirit. That's usually accomplished through hardships and heartache. That's when people change the most................. I want you to know that I will pray for you. God bless you and keep you.

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suicide is not about people caring or not caring, believe me, this is a spiritual affliction. accepting the limitations and imprisonment of this human existence is hard, and believing in Gods mercy is even harder, especially wh en He did this to us. I dont know the solution, I want to die very badly, it says that those closest to God dont want to be here and want to leave, maybe thats ok. Whatever you do, your last breaths should be in rememberance of God, the next life is not about rest, you are gonna need all the help you can get, despite what the Christians say about it. ALSO, things wouldnt seem so horrible if people first in my opinion, would stop having millions of children all the time and secondly, all this ridiculous sales annd marketing over complication of life. Life should be simple, and one should be able to access loyalty and trust in oneself and others, but people throw eachother away too easily, materialism, and then expect also especially men, to get constant and immediate attention. I dont get it. The only way out for me other than death is to fight the big fight, if you do, expect to be killed anyway.

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I know how to get them from columbia
xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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Martin, I am very sorry you are suffering, no one should have to go through that and you apparently have a doctor that will not help you, which compounds the tragedy.

However, as has already been pointed out, by myself and Gabby, no one on this site can help you commit suicide. We can neither tell you how to do it, nor send you a product to enable you to do it.

If you really want your life to end as fast as possible, then you might wish to check and see if do not resuscitate orders are legal where you are located.

In the U.S., Canada and several other countries, they allow someone to sign them, while alive and of sound mind, to prevent extreme measures being taken to prolong their lives.


Such directives and living wills are always a good idea to have, if you suffer from severe health issues.

Are there any other comments?

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Hi I am 30 years male. I was very happy in life, i loved my job and very determined to succed in life. Recently got engaged 3 months before. The recent incident has taken life out of me, i had intimate relation one day with an Asian massage girl and got infected with HTLV virus, There is no cure or vaccine to supress the viral load for this disease past 40 years.my life has been burdan past 2 months and there us no quality if life with this disease.I cant live a normal life any more. I have let my self and my loved once down.I just wanna end my life and worries. please help me

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This is Rick again. I thanked my God that after writing about planning to kill myself in 2012 when I lost a big transaction, God was just testing me. Forgive me Lord for threatening you of cyanide but I was really hopeless during that time but when I've realized that you have greater plans for me now I want to live more praising you! Besides. I want to thanks you for the 2 Million money you gave me in Jesus Name! Sorry for my wordings of hopelessness here in 2012. I love you Lord and thank you for dying on the cross to saved my soul in hell. May you touch these people here and heal them for there are no impossible with you oh God because if they succeeded killing themselves, the more they will suffer in hell where there are gnashing of teeth and endless torment of burning in fire there as you revealed in the bible. Saved them God.

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Martin, you do not appear to be acknowledging Verwon's comments. Why would you actually believe this site would give such information? It is unreasonable for anyone to come to a "medical informational" site, and to ask for cyanide. Why do you think anyone would be so foolish as to release such a request? You appear to be asking for help, and are ignoring the most educated answers. If it's true, you cannot speak with anyone unless approved by your Doctor, how is it you can be here asking for suicide pills? You may want to speak with an on line counselor. Please read the comments from Verwon again. Good Luck & Blessings to you..

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Nothing in this world or anybody is worth killing yourself for. Whatever your problems or your pain you should never feel so hopeless that you should feel a need to throw in the towel. Sometimes speaking to someone who is not familiar to your issues can give you a better outlook on things. You must also think of those you would leave behind. The feelings tgey are left with are horendous. This is not fair to them. Whether you believe it or not there are people who care about you. At a time when you feel so low sometimes it is good to take a walk near a hospital or park. Look at others and you will see that there is always someone far worse than yourself. I am not discounting how you are feeling i am sure you are in pain but perhaps you will see things in a different light. Life is short life is precious. Plus you will get better satisfaction in life when you do not give in and show others your weak point. You plow forward with your head held high and prove the world wrong.
If you learned one thing here today---- someone does care--- i took.the time to show you that"!"

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this site does not manufacture, sell, nor prescribe any products, this is an information only website.

Before you purchase a product to commit suicide, you should really see a therapist or counselor for assistance. We all go through bad times, but in reality, they very rarely stay that way. Things always improve, but until they do, or until you can see that, you may need assistance in dealing with them. This could involve the use of medications and/or therapy.


Have you talked to anyone about what you're going through?

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