How Long Does Valium Stay In Your System? (Page 15)
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I've taken maybe five or six Valium in the past two weeks. The last one about two days ago. Other than that I have not taken anything besides Suboxene. Does anyone know how long it takes to get out of your system?

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I took Diazepam 10 mg's over three nights, that's all, 5 one night and split one over the next two nights to help get some sleep. 28 days later they showed up in a urine test.

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Because we drug users don't have the rich and happy lives you sick obnoxious over paid people do whom had mothers and fathers that allowed you the life growing up which gave you your outstanding personality and wonderfully lucrative job. We Drug users including me are products of our environment that choose for whatever reason we happened to find appropriate at the time to take the same drugs you prescribed for the same damn reasons we use them only we don't need your sorry intellectually enslaved mind to tell us we need it is all my dear don't judge like you and I both know you do until you sir, have also fallen down these same rabbit holes...

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dude im in drug court i piss dirty for benzos i spent 3 weeks in jail got out and still pissed dirty they stay in ur system for weeks i wouldnt suggest doing them..

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Don't take this as fact, but, I've long been of the word that most chemicals (including valium) take three days to leave the system.

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I take valium for flying cause it freaks me out. I take one one hour before, one when I board, and one one hour in flight for a total of 30 mg. I was involved in a water ditching and from now on am freaked. I took my last tablet on a flight today. If I do not take another for 7 days, will it show up on a drug test or if I take the bottle in that says for fright of flying, will it cost me my job?

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No way no how.

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I took one valium on tueday and 2 more the next day i have a drug test next tues. will i pass?

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i took the blue ones and had never taken before thought sure i would be good 4-5 days later w/fluids and exercise boy was i wrong now ive popped a dirty test this aint worth losing what is precious to you.

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I have been taking 1- 4mg subox and 1- 2mg valium for about three years and have a script for both. I am getting ready for a drug test for a second job that I would like to have. Could they not hire me because I take these drugs even though I was already giving the job pending a hair test. What does everyone think. I have been clean for over three years I dont drink or smoke

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I was getting rebound headaches from 400 mg of Kadian. I am doing much better with 200 mg. I thought that people only got rebound headaches with the 4 hour pain meds and not the 12 hr. or 24hr. ones?

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I took two .5mg valium, and failed a drug screen 6 days later, and even drinking water 24/7 didnt help. So take valium at your own risk, and dont be surprised if you fail a drug screen for them, even if you only take two of them.

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So many people ask about drugs in their system, because they take lots of drugs, and they're probably worried they will get caught popping a urine test for work/rehab/school sports..... Drugs make the world go round!

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I was taking diazpam 2 10 mg at night to sleep. I am prescribed them. But it does stay in your system a long time. I took a piss test 6 weeks later and still showed up dirty for benzo's. So becareful. Do not take them without a prescription. For one they are very addicting and for two they stay in your system a long time and it may cause you to lose something very important to you.

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yes iwas similar ,3 x 10 in a night to help celebrate after getting a job.wen i started my new job 2 weeks later i was told i would be up for a drug test in another week and i thought i would pass it no problem if i ran a couple of miles every night and drank water till it came out of my ears. i did this for 6 days and failed the test and lost my new test was 3 weeks later and it wasent enough for me sorry to say .beware it must be one of the worst to pass a piss test.

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i took 5 valiums tens and exactly 3 weeks later pissed dirty for them at my probation report day. so its stays for a while. im 6 foot 235 and hang drywall so im an active person and stay well hydrated so be careful.

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Agree with the above: takes about 3 to 7 days to get out of your system; however, most info says 3 to 5; amount and duration do not sem to matter; just stop for 5 days or so. And, if possible, try to stop taking them. There was a new study published recently that found that long-term use of benzos cause brain shrinkage (not to scare you just passing on some interesting info). Good luck.

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because so many people do drugs. why do you think?use your brain!

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I want to know why so many people ask how long "DRUGS" stay in their system... ?

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If you took 30 Vailum in four days, you have a problem, period..!! A Benzo over dose is very often difficult to treat and often fatal. Sounds like you have a serious issue with the stuff. Most people who "KNOW" they have a test soon will simply not do it and if they do, they will simply take their perscription with them to test because their not doing anything wrong!!! If you have a perscription for it, no worries, just make sure you tell them and take the container with you, but i doubt if you have a script because we don't perscribe that many over such a short period of time, and if you do have one your not taking them how your suppose to.....bout a week for urine and 2 to 3 weeks for blood, hair, etc...and thats for normal-active-healthy-people who dont abuse.....GET HELP !!!

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how long does it take for 2 10mg valium to get out of your system for a 51yr old male that ways 140lbs.

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