How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your System? (Page 6)
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If I took 1 small dose of Heroin on Wednesday afternoon at 4 pm. Will I be clean for my drug test on Monday at 5 pm? I'm giving it 5 days. Is that enough time to pass my drug test?

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I smoked several points between 5-11pm. I have random UAs and my guess is that my next UA will be tomorrow. That gives me right about two days to try and figure something out. I plan on drinking several gallons of water and sweating my balls off, they exercising/sauna. I won't do my UA until the last 30minutes in the day. I've read up on speeding up my metabolism. So since heroin is water-soluble, shouldn't drinking/sweating mass amount of water through your system in theory "clean" your body. Which includes urine? Just wondering. My using day was Thursday and I think I'll most likely have a UA on Saturday. Just wondering about the whole water-soluble.. Drink hella water/sweat thing. Well hopefully I pass. Someone please answer my question please and thank you.

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my son used sunday morning. he has to take a urine test Wednesday how can he pss?

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have been using heroin i.v since i was ten years old thanks to my living situation back then,and it has been 15 plus years i have been using it ever since daily.A bad day of scoring for me is 200$,a good day i can do up to 600 average.(yes this is possible for the twinkies who think you can only do like 100 a day or so)I have been on methadone for over 7 years now,my first places did supervised,now this one does not,.yes the easiest way when unsupervised is getting someone to pee in a cup for you and transfer it to your cup when you get to the clinic.But what made me want to comment was someone said even as a regular user it usually wont show up after about 7 days or so.This is not true at all in some cases,because mine and my mans can still show up for over 12 days sometimes just from piss tests.Its different with everyone,so dont make a general assumption after 7 days itll be fine and dandy.Synthetic urine is ok too and if you are a man yes they have some pretty elaborate kits,but has anyone mentioned they have kits for girls where it looks like they are peeing too?In fact we have an oldschool method of using hooping,in where we will take a little bag with urine,make the very very tiniest indent not enough to leak though only enough to leak with pressure,we can push down with our fingers on our bladder and it will pop or you can put your finger near the hole and pushif they ask why you are doing that tell them your tampon is stuck,they dont ask after that .remember everyone is different,yes its an ok idea to excerisce drink water etc but thats not always going to work.and by the way,i once had to use my mans urine for a test his results showed neg mine showed pos,it happens.

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Actually.. If you look into and do your research on heroin.. I gaurentee that you will NOT be able to find any LONG TERM effects. Babies born to mothers on heroin are fine IF the mother kept her nutrition up. Heroin does NOT harm the body like meth and crack. Heroin is way more natural than crack, meth, all that s***. Humor me and find info on how heroin damages the body. All you'll find is that you can get abcesses from needles and hear falieur and hep c and aids but thats all from sharing needles or having unprotected sex. Please, please, please someone find me some SOLID scientific studdies out there explainning how bad heroin is for the body. My email is {edited for privacy}

The worlds view on heroin is so wrong. You can lead a healthy, happy, productive life if you dont have to withdrawl, go look up the heroin centers un Europe. They have turned full blown junkies into store managers, its actually better for you than methadone is, how funny is that?? Our gov is giving something to us that is MORE addictive MORE dangerous and causes harm to our bodies. Methadone sucks the calcium out of your bones. Heroin doesnt.

Please email me with proof and maybe i will change my mind. In all honesty that girls baby will probably be more laid back, more intellegent and happier than most kids out there. Oh and did i mention, more creative too? Yeah, drugs expand your mind. Go try some heroin and then tell me just how bad it really is lol.

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Why are u pregnant and using anyways? You need to tell them u have a problem and let them help u get help.

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Don't use herion while pregnant....u want your child to suffer because u are to weak to suffer yourself??! Stop it now before u screw ur kids life up!!

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My girl is going thru the same thing...she keeps lying to me saying shes clean but u know how u can always tell when someone u love is hi...especially after 7 years together...the baby is coming soon and I'm worried about an acs case...wut can she do to quit and fast

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Hi I'm getting a full blood exam done soon its for my pregnancy. Do you think heroin use will show? How many days does it take to get it out of your system? Two or Four dsays without using. I really don't want heroin use to show.

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My last does was noon (Friday) today. If I drink lots of water is it possible to pass urine test on monday? Also what other home remedies can help me get it out of my system faster?

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It almost definitely will especially if u eat and drink water regularly. I have showed positive after 4 days but negative only after 2. Also be careful what other legal or unlegal medications u r taking as some can show positive for a wide variety of drugs. T Taff

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In my experience of beating drug tests heroin takes ATLEAST 2 days but thats bein risky. I can say for sure that drinking a f*** ton of water is your best alibi. And I mean like force yourself to drink AAlot of water till your pissin clear and like 4 times a day. In my case I would use and hope to god I wouldn't get tested for 3 days. During these 3 days I drink water like I explained earlier allll day ha which is honestly a horrible experience most people will give up! But I was NOT going to jail so if I get called in to test on either of the first two days I will come up diluted which means there is too much water in your specimen to test so they call u in the next day. This is risky it depends on your po cause some count diluted as a positive but if it's the first time u can talk ur way out of it. I said I been working landscaping in the sun all day drinkin lots of water and I got called in the day after I used so I had to dilute for two days then dropped clean the third. So drinking water like that for two days will pretty much guarantee a clean stream on the third day. But go drop as late as u can cause your first piss of the day is the dirtiest, and u wanna catch the middle part of your stream the beginning contains more metabolites. So now I found a place that doesn't watch me so I use my friends little brothers pee! But I figured I would share my personal experience cause I know how it is gettin put on the probe and its hard as f*** to quit! So be careful cause its risky and you'll get f***ed its not really worth it but I did it so I can't really say much but I caN say I would rather be legitly pissing clean. What I gave you is pretty much an emergency plan if u do decide to use and unfortunately get called to test the next day... No guarantees but there's not really any other options you have at that point. I've tried EVERYTHING else! Drinking vinegar, or whatever other stupid s*** that probably won't work. over the counter detoxs wont clean you out in that situation either so I would try my trick if u can cause your most likely gonna drop hot anyways! So best of luck and I know I seem really illiterate but im actually just too lazy to write this entire article with perfect grammar haha juss be happy I wrote it in the first place! Let me know if my trick works for you! I can say it has worked for me.
- RowG

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I am a 23 y.o female pretty active however don't do much excerzing of any kind I did h one pill $10 a day for the past 3 days and have a urine test on wed around 10am last time of use was 9:30 (Sunday) what can I do to assure a clean urine test on Tuesday morning plzzz anything helps I can't fail this thank u !

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I took 0.2g heroin Monday at 17:00 hours. First time in 5 months. Drug test Friday at 10:00AM. Could urine sample be clean? Thanks

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I took a dose of heroin friday night like 10pm. I have a urine test tomorrow thurs @4:30. Should I pass? I have passed before in as little as 3 days but a few weeks ago I did it on a wedsday and failed the test on a monday so im not even sure anymore it's always took me three days to pass

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Heroin is usually detectable in a standard urine test for approximately 5 days, after last use.

The time frame, however, can vary from person to person, depending on your overall health, activity levels, fluid intake, metabolism and etc.

Learn more Heroin information here.

Does anyone else have any advice or information to offer?

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