How Long Does 0.5mg Of Ativan Stay In Your System (Page 8) (Top voted first)


I took 1 0.5mg pill of lorazapam (generic for ativan) on Sunday night at around 10pm and have a drug test Tuesday at 4pm, will I fail? I do not take any other drugs and only took this one pill one time for anxiety.

161 Replies (9 Pages)

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What if you been tskn ,5 atavan for about a year how long it take to get out of your systems with a not the best liver

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did u pass

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This is totally untrue, xanax stays in your system the most for 5 days, this is the most commonly mistaken thing.... It is clonazepam, and others like valium that are 30 days... Xnax stays in your system for 5 days max, and thats if you take them a lot. If you took say 2-3 mg and no more before then then 2-3 days max it will be gone. Do your research before blabbing about xanax stays for 6 weeks lol.... Not only have I read this, a doctor has told me, actually 2 doctors, I have a drug test EVERY week and ive taken xanax after the appointment for 2 days, next appointment GONE. Without even drinking and diluting my urine. Do your research before giving false info.

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Honey I have no idea actually. I do know that Ativan is in the same category as Valium. Its in the Benzodine category. That is what it will show up as when they test if they are looking for that type of drug. Now from what I understand It can stay up to a month. Now my son's EX girlfriend is the one that told me that it can stay up to a month. Or that is what she told me after Social Services drug tested her and she swore it was almost a month ago when she took it. It was a heavy dose of it. I do know its in the same category however because I take Ativan. Something interesting however is the person that wrote about the vinegar. Scroll down and read it. Saying drink 12 oz of Vinegar and two glasses of water. Now I have no idea if that will work or not. I do know that allot of people trying to past test... will tell you to drink allot and I mean allot of water and try to sweat all you can every moment your awake before you take the test. More or less getting it out of your system. I do not know if it works or not. I have never had to pass a drug test that I have not had a script for. Good luck. And maybe try to get your own script honey. I am not judging..... I am really not. I don't know your situation for you to feel like you should have to take this med. I take it for tremors...... they call them beign tremors...meaning they have no idea what causes them and they do no harm to me....... they just make me look like I am withdrawing from something LOL. Used to bother me that people thought that but it seems I have had them for a long time. When telling people I knew about this they said " I always wondered why you shook the way you did". They knew I never took drugs of any kind or drank to the point I had to have it. Its a thing like Kathrine Hepburn had. Hers however affected her voice. Mine does not. Good luck and let us know if you pass.......and if you do.... what you did to pass this. Most will not come back and let anyone know.....thus making it so the question is never answered.

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I want to thank you for posting this. I know its a couple months late....... but the fear you felt..... woke you up. Thank goodness! Honey I know its hard when your kinda used to doing drugs like this..... and something happened to you...... to make you want to say no to this. As a mom...... with a 30 year old.. I know he struggles at times wanting meds..... because he has a really bad shoulder..... rotor cuff torn and it hurts him terribly at times. He had no insurance.... but the pain is so bad and the family Dr will not give him the meds he needs to function daily. The ortho tells him like they tell me with my knee...... your to young to have surgery! Well they do not know the pain we endure daily...... however..... when it comes to passing a drug test..... he freaks out sometimes... Not hard core but ones...... he could have failed at any time. Hes in the process of getting his son back...... the mom will never have him because of her dealings..... Once in a blue moon when hes tested he does panic..... they are RX meds but he does not have the RX in his name and rarely will take one........ but sweats it out none the less. And does NOT want to go back to jail.... because of a pill. He has 2 more years of probation to go....... and wants his son back son back so bad. So again thank you for posting this. Most people will not even come back and say if they passed failed etc...... but you did......and shared your story............ THANK YOU.

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If you are taking Ativan and have a Doctor's prescription for it, you have legal proof to show your drug testing center. You should have no worries or anxiety about taking it.

Now, if you are taking Ativan without a prescription (i.e ILLEGALLY), well then there are consequences for your action.

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Go to the E.R fake a panic attack so they give you a Xanax. Boom you have a legitimate reason for being dirty. P.S they don't always check for benzos on a U.A for probation. Only about half the time unless you have a history of taking Benzo,s .

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I had just ONE .5mg on SATURDAY morning at 9am, it is Wednesday, and it still showed in my urine. So everyone ahould make sure they have a week, minimum. Traces can be detected.

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I took a ativan the night before testing for drug court , I only took 1 ,I wanted to test dirty so I could get drug court ,And it didnt show up . Ok maybe the screwed the test up. But they told me the test was clean , Also its the first time I took a ativan in over a year .

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I took 7 mgs of lorazepam daily for 4to 5 days,as I just wanted to sleep.slept for 5 after 3 -4 days,I am expecting unusual symptoms.never took ativan
before in my life.when would symptoms disappear.
What do I have to do combat my symptoms.
When would symptoms disappear.

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I have been on .5 mg ativan for fourty days will i have an issue if i quit

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As if Heroin/methadone users are reliable reporters. You probably believe them when they tell you they dont use Heroin anymore. Trust me when I tell you this, methadone clinics are nothing more than a means to manipulate the system, shame on you for being so naive.

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I wish you luck. I have a legal script for ativan. I have tremors. I do know and I am also a nurse........ that Ativan is in the Benzo family. The same family as Valium. What you took was a tiny dose. I realize that also. Its the same dose I take every day. From the chemical make up of this drug and from what most scientist report it normally stays in your body up to 30 days. However you have read from others it goes out before then. But you also see they have not come back to leave a comment either. It also depends on the drug test you are taking. Is it one your required to take when called like for probation? Or is it one for a job. They do have several different test. Some are a pee test, some are salavia, some are hair. The hair is the one that is the hardest to get around but that one can be done. Their is one now..... and I am sure you will not be put though it....... is fingernail. That one will tell them back months what the person has been up to. Now back to you if this is for employment it wont be a full panel one unless it involves money. I would not think. Hey, let us know how things work out. Not many times do we acutall hear back good or bad. So please share. I hope you get good news........ and I hope you wont have to take Ativan any more unless you have your own script.

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Not true Ativan can take six weeks and is one of the longest to metabolize as is valium. Xanax and Klonopin get out of your system the fastest.

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No Ativan stays in system up to 6 weeks

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I work at a methadone clinic where I test for benzodiazepines, among other substances and can tell you that it varies person to person, but it is indeed true that lorazepam can stay in your system for weeks, average being 2-3. I have seen this with many of my clients.

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Yall have been told wrong with all the latest post on this. Ativan you will test postive for at least at the very least for 3 months. It is in the Benzo family with Valium. You think that little tiny pill would not last...... wrong. It holds on to your fat cells just like marijuana an will last up to 6 weeks. I have no idea if what you can do to speed it up if anything. Marijuana will stay in you no matter how long. A 96 pound girl used it and 6 weeks later it was showing positive and the ativan had just left her system.........she had no fat cells. So if you took this......... you will fail. Think about this before you take drugs before a test again. Yes this is fact.

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If you NEED to pass a drug test so badly.....STOP TAKING MEDS THAT AREN'T PERSCRIBED TO YOU!!! (no brainer, right!) If you need the Lorazepam (Ativan) so badly, for whatever reason, GO TO YOUR DOCTOR and ask for help with your anxiety! In essence....GET YOUR OWN MEDS AND QUIT TAKING EVERYONE ELSES!

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I'm thinking you might fail it. But drink a lot of water, and perhaps a drink that flushes toxins out of body. Idk, much tho so let us know how you make out.

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How fast does it leaver your breastmilk?

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