

This is a drug that was widely used in the Sixties, Seventies and to a lesser extent the following decades. It came in tablet form( grey caplets) and as alinctus. To the best of my knowledge it was exclusively used in the battle against chronic and severe alcoholism. Some units used it to detox barbiturate addicts and to ease the withdrawal of benzos such as valium and librium. It was very successful in the treatment of alcoholics, It was used as a course of gradually reducing amounts. They were very successful in helping to ease the awful effects of alcohol withdrawal. Worry about the onset of fits and hysteria were calmed although fits were not unknown if and when the withdrawal rates were shortened. Some G.Ps still prescribe hemineverin but their numbers are dwindling and they have been replaced with benzos such as librium and valium I believe that the reason for its unpopularity is that the medical world are loathe to prescribe anything that might have a pleasurable effect. They concern themselve far to much with wide-spread banning and this attitude is very wide ranging. What we put into our bodies is really the patients matter and instead of prohibition doctors should have a wider view of medication. What is wrong with self medication apart from the fact that it leaves the doctors out of the loop. These people have been prescribing stuff for themselves for years. The whole so called drug problem should be discussed in an adult way.

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can heminneverine be used to treat anxiety

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Is itpossible to get hemeneverin in the U.K or abroad. It isfar better for detoxing than librium or valium, If not are there any comparable treatments?

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I was detoxed in a unit with hemeneverin in "84" and worked hard on myself and all I was taught and haven't drank since .The hemeneverin was totally disgusting but very powerful many a strong person was knocked sideways with this ,,,,,,,,but it worked for withdrawal

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