Generic Differences


The pharmacy changed The generic manufactuerer of my Propanolol ER 80mg, Since starting these pills, I have had increased Tremors and return of Aborted Migranes. This has happened once before. What makes the difference in Generics?

2 Replies

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Generic medications are allowed to differ from the name brand by as much as plus or minus 20% of the active ingredient.

The FDA considers that to be an acceptable therapeutic window and, for most people, the slight fluctuation doesn't cause any problem.

Learn more Propranolol details here.

In your case, you are probably sensitive to any slight variation, so switching to a different one may have caused these issues.

In such cases, it's usually best to ask that it be prescribed as brand medically necessary.

How are you feeling now?

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Thank you for your response. This makes total sense to me. I am very "dose sensitive" to most medications.
A 20% difference in the active ingredient could definitely increase my sypmtoms. I have found a pharmacy that carrys the Generic I was on previously and my sypmtoms have subsided. I will not give up on generics....some do work better than others. I now know why.

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