Fluoxetine Switch
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As my title says I've switched from celexa to fluoxetine 60 mg. I know the 60 mg is too high. Was just trying to get leveled out and then was coming down. My question is I've been taking the dose of 60mg fluoxetine for 11 days now per my cross taper schedule. Can I lower to 40 mg. now during the transferring phase and if so how do I go about it? Just stop taking one of the 20 mg tablets? I was always on 40 mg or lower (20mg) of the celexa but after a life threatening traumatic accident never got back down after 5 surgerys. Doc wanted me to switch over to the higher amount but feel I've always done better in a lower amount.

2 Replies

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Actually, the 60mgs of Fluoxetine might be too low, going from 60mgs of Celexa. It takes approximately 20mgs of Fluoxetine to equal each 10mgs of Escitalopram/Celexa, so you may experience some rebound withdrawal effects, such as nausea, dizziness, depression, and muscle aches.

Ref: Antidepressant Information

Switching Antidepressants

Are you on any other medications? How are you doing on this dose?

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Whoops title should've said switched from 60mg celexa to 60 mg fluoxetine.

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