Drug Interactions Sintron Trangorex Amiodarone Sutril & More (Top voted first)


Can I list all of dads meds to get some feedback on possible interactions that docs haven't explained to us or that we may not have fully understood?

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My dad, age 82 takes the following meds: Valsartan; Omeprazol; Adiro; Sutril; Trangorex; Amlodopino; Sintrom; Alupurinol & Bisoprolol.

Had no probs until he started on the Sintron in Dec '15 - he's taking part in a hospital trial for this blood thinner. Starting dose of 10g over 7 days has been gradually reduced in an effort to achieve an INR of 2-3. Still not got there. Often 5+. Dark urine was evaluated at the clinic & was ok. Thought no more about it till it became very dark so we went to A & E. Admitted him. Blood work, X-rays OK. Catheterised & washed out bladder for 36 hrs. Further blood work. Then released. Dose of 4.5g over 7 days. Most recent blood work had his INR down to 1.4 so he INCREASED his dose to 5g over 7 days. Next blood work is due Thursday March 17th.

Could the urine colour be associated with the Sintron or some interactions with other meds?

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Hello, LleidaLiz! How are you and your dad?

If all those evaluations were done, but they found nothing wrong, then it most likely means that there's nothing to worry about, unless the doctors think there is some serious reason to worry about.

The color of your urine can be affected by your diet, medications, or various things in your lifestyle.

The times to worry are if it looks like there is blood in the urine, or if the person is also showing signs of dehydration, or other possible health issues.

The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects of Sintrom as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising.

Did anything show up on the new blood work?

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