Drinking On Lexapro (Page 3)


I was just wondering if anyone has drank with this med and were there any side effects? I've been on lexapro 10 mg for a month and am feeling great but I am petrified to even attempt to drink alcohol, but would like to try. So if anyone could help that would be great.

166 Replies (9 Pages)

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Ive been on lexapro since i was 11 and i drink basically constantly now and it seems to be fine. However the medication mixed with alcohol creates a deadly hang over

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Been on this for 10 days. Drink wine or an occasional margarita. I now get no buzz from it at all. Plus either way I don't sleep. I'm wired. Miss being able to sleep. Sounds to me as though it's a very individual thing. My doc said its fine to have a drink with this kind of med.

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What do your an by a deadly hangover?

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Sometimes it feels like my brain stem is on fire. Is that what you're talking about? If so, I've talked to a few people and read on other forums that this isn't entirely uncommon so I wouldn't worry to much about it.

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I am a social drinker. And I have taken this medicine for a few months now. My doctor said it was ok to drink occasionally but not excessively. Unfortunately when I did drink in the past with the med, my suicidal thoughts would become very strong. So for the sake of myself I've made the choice to stop social drinking. I know now that drinking on anti depressant is not a smart gamble. Having a fun buzz with friends Wisn't worth it. If it's a big issue to drink in social settings, drink with soda. No one will notice that u didn't include alcohol. I hope all of these responses help you. Be careful!

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Hi. I am suffering generalised anxiety and have become an alcoholic. Due to anxiety I am soooooo scared to take lexapro. ........... so scared of any affects. In my situation, I dont want to drink but scared I will. Just out of detox and dealing with a new Psych I have only met once. I would love your advice.
Many thanks

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Your wife m ay be bipolar. Bipolars usually have a long period of depression prior to their first "mania". I had the same thing happen to me. They wake up and blame their unhappiness on you!

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I'm getting ready to start taking 10mg lexapro tonight. I'm very nervous. I don't like taking Advil for a headache... I read a lot of the posts to this blog and hope it will help me should I experience some side effects mentioned. I really hope thus medication works not only for me but my family.

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Pico, You will probably experience dizziness, yawning and insomnia. This will subside in a few weeks. You should feel great after that. I nearly stopped taking it due to the side effects but I'm glad I didn't.

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You will be tired starting out on this med for a few weeks. I was and quit, than started and quit. Finally started and stayed on it. I am up to 15 MG I still get anxious but than take a clonazapame and feel fine. I too social drink beer. I know I feel the effects much faster and loose my balance, I even get black outs. I have been falling and hurt myself. So I will start drinking Miller 64 and not often. I guess we are not suppose to drink, but I still want a few on weekends. And warm summer nights, and camping etc......

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I have been taking lexapro for a year. I have drank while taking the med. nothing happen until I drank close to a bottle. I COMLETELY BLACKED OUT.. Which meant I could not remember anything I did while awake for about 4hours or more. It was like sleep walking and doing activities but not remembering none of it. My friends told me everything that happened and I didnot recall none of it. I was totally devistated.

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This is sober one. Forgot to mention my dosage of lexapro is 7.5 mg

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Sober one,
Hey blackout!!! No more drinking please. Bad things are only to follow

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I guess I'm a total anomaly. I've been on Lexapro for 9 years. I drink wine every day, and have had no problems. If I drink too much wine, the wine itself is a problem. Too much fear in so many of the replies. Know yourself and use your own judgement.

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I was put on this medication because I was honest with my doctor and requested a medication that I could drink with and not have major health issues. He said it was fine and little to no health hazards if I drank lightly. I recently turned 21 and enjoy drinking but 3 months later I have a beer maybe two and don't feel the need to party like I used to.

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This for me is not true. I've been 20 my for 3 months, next month for the 1st 2 weeks is my last down to 10mg. I drank atleast a cup a day, and on the weekends a little more. So it depends on you, your body.

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I've been 20 my for 3 months, next month for the 1st 2 weeks is my last down to 10mg. I drank atleast a cup a day, and on the weekends a little more. So it depends on you, your body.

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I just started taking Lexapro about a week and half ago and have drank alcohol twice during that time. The first time I blacked out and don't recall how I made it home. Second time was similar; it was hard to recall certain parts of the evening. I'm sure it boils down to each individuals physiology, but don't think it's going to be an option for me.

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I drink on Lexapro and have had no problems. A friend, who drinks quite a bit, however, has blackouts. I'm not a doctor, but I'd say try a glass of wine or beer at home and see how it affects you. Please don't drive or be out somewhere. Be in a safe place.

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I am very sensitive to medications. Hence, I had to start with liquid Lexapro and draw up .1mg in an insulin syringe, then build up to 10mg. Presently, after 9 years, I am gradually cutting back because of numbness and tingling on my left side, a symptom I had when I first started. If you feel too strange, cut the dose down. It has also made me hyper, which is why I'm cutting back.
Please do not be afraid. Simply be observant.

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