Doctors Who Won T Listen (Top voted first)


I'm having a multitude of medical problems and I can't get my doctors to listen to me.
They think they have the answers without discussing my symptoms with me or even order testing. How do I get them to listen to me?

2 Replies

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Make an appointment for a full physical with a new doctor, blood tests, etc...

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Hi Brenda,

Sorry to hear about your situation. Aside from what post #1 suggested, it sounds to me like your only other option would be to adamantly confront your physician about your concerns during the appointment. If they aren't willing to give you the time of day (not only as a patient, but also a paying customer), then in my opinion it might be best to keep searching until you find someone else with a more open mind. Many of these doctors are probably so immersed within their job that they forget how to be decent and courteous to others, but that shouldn't inhibit them from informing you about decisions that affect your health and livelihood. You just have to speak out and stand your ground if something important needs to be said. I doubt it's anything personal against you. Many doctors see hundreds of people in a short time slot, so they probably can't give their full undivided attention for more than a few moments or in spurts.

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