Cymbalta Reviews (Page 5)
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Has anyone been prescribed this medication for back pain?

88 Replies (5 Pages)

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I have lupus and it helps with my arthritis but so far my depression isn't improving. how long does it take to notice any improvement?

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Donna, The same w/ me.I have Fybromyalia&Deep Depression,I've been on Cymbalta 4 about 5mo. now.God has honestly answered my Prayers thru Cymbalta.It has given me so much relief 4 both my Health Problems...Jesus Is A Live & Well...

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I have been on Cymbalta for 2 months now, and it has made a world of difference for me. I have Fibromyalgia and depression. My depression is alot better and the pain is not as constant.

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I have been taking Cymbalta for a year now. Nothing and I mean Nothing has relieved my back pain ever like this . I am a new person thanks to Cymbalta.

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I've been on Cymbalta for a month now,and it works great for me.Yes Cymbalt is the ani-depresant I've been looking for, for 30yrs now.Honestly,I have been on so many differant meds thru out the yrs and they all took care of parts of my depression.I'm Bipoler, and Cybalta seems to be taking care of all my mental and physical problems. I also have Fybromyalgia and it's helped w/ the pain some what...Cymbalta is the one for me...

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I just took my first dose today. Now doing research. I was prescribed for depression as well. (It's supposed to help me sleep, too) Sorry to hear that it isn't working for Chris! Hope it works for me.

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Yes I hace this medication but not for my back pain. Im on it for depression, but it dont work for the pain or depression for that matter.

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yes, i've been prescribed this medication but i haven't tried it as of yet. i am online searching for some answers myself before taking it.

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