17 Days Pregnancy Abortion


My period was suppose to come 28/3/2014. So on 30/3/2014 I have tried the pregnancy tester at home two times and it was positive
today 31/3/2041 at 12 pm I went to the hospital and did HCG test and was positive as well. At 1:53 pm I inserted one pill of MISTOPROSOTOL 200 micro gram) vaginally at 7:30 pm there was little some blood clots then stopped.. and now its 12:30 am and no blood at all.. only very few little light brown color comes out.. very small amount.. what can I do now??? Can I use a second 200 microgram MISTOPROSOTOL??

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plz my friend had a sex with her bf on d 5/1/17 after she stop are period on d 1/1/17 and now she is pregnant and she wants to abort it wAt can she do

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Hey i had my last mc on 28 may 2017.what can i do.give some suggestion pf pills recommended by gynocoligist

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