
100+ Topics Found

I am taking Divalprox 250mg tablets in 750mg doses. I also take Seroques 50mg and Zoloft 150mg. I have been having pain in my knees when I walk from a sitting position and. I have severe pain and numbness in my little finger and the two next to it at the knuckle to the point where it feels tight and hurts to make a fist. Could this be a side effect of my medication? ## Have you consulted your doctor? This medication combination can increase the risk of some problems, such as hyponatremia, or neuroleptic malignant syndrome, so you should consult your doctor to get to the root of the problem. ## This was very helpful. I will make sure to request a blood test to measure the level of sodium in my blood as well as to question the combination of medications I am on. Thank you.

2 REPLIES Filed under Zoloft

My son has taken 250 Depakote twice daily for a while now. The tablets have always been a pinkest/peachy color. The last time we refilled it, the pharmacy gave us tablets that are big and blue. Who makes these and are they the exact same as he has taken all along? ## Hello, Lin! How are you and your son? What are the markings on the tablets? I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anything about them just from the color. This is a generic medication, so it's actually manufactured by several different companies and they can all look different and must have different markings. Can you please post back with this additional information so I can check them for you? Thanks!

1 REPLY Filed under Depakote

how to wean off of Divalproex. What to do and expect? ## It should usually be tapered slowly, because stopping too fast can cause rebound effects, which may include mania, depression and seizures. Learn more Divalproex details here. Even if tapered slowly, some rebound depression and lethargy is still likely to occur, because it may take awhile for your body to readjust to no longer having the medication. Have you consulted your doctor for advice? They'd be the best qualified person to help you set up a proper tapering schedule. ## I got my Divalproex 500 Mg today from a different pharmacy and it wasn't the same pill. It was light blue with M945 on it. The kind that I have been taking is pink with 798 on it. Are they the same medication just made by two different companies or ar...

2 REPLIES Filed under Antidepressant

my brother aged 21, had fainted in 2009 & was suffering from severe headache,frequent unconsciousness, &he was suggested to take Desvel ER 250,which he had continued for 1yr. after the stoppage of this respective drug he had again undergone with the same symptoms,which made him to take the same drug again. now we just need to know the side effects as well as the harm full effects that can be followed in his future by the regular usage of this drug. ## Is it safe to take Divalproex SOD DR 500 mg, folic acid 1 mg., RA Vit B12 1000MCG, and Ferrous Sulfate 325 mg together? Celeste

1 REPLY Filed under Folic Acid
Divalproex Sodium Drug Index

Anticonvulsants (also known as antiepileptic drugs, antiseizure drugs, or anti-seizure medications (ASM)) are a diverse group of pharmacological agents used in the treatment of epileptic seizures. Anticonvulsants are also increasingly being used in the treatment of bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, since many seem to act as mood stabilizers, and for the treatment of neuropathic pain. Anticonvulsants suppress the excessive rapid firing of neurons during seizures. Anticonvul...

Divalproex DR 250 mg Seems to work well. I tried it before and was unable to sleep. Stopped taking and sleep returned after a few days. Started taking again and sleep disappeared again. Earl ## I have been taking Divalproex 250 mg - 2 at night and 2 at morning for some time now. It has completely disrupted my sleep cycle and when I am awake I am in a haze an days are half remembered jumbles. I will be awake for up to 3 nights and 2 days unable to sleep and then exhaustion hits me like a wall and I will sleep 1 or 2 days solid, When visiting my parents they about ready to call an ambulance when I finally came around after sleeping 2 days and 2 nights straight. Obviously this is far from normal but I am not sure how concerned I should be at this point, ## Divalproex, the active ingredient...


trying to find out the difference between divalproex500mg dr and divalproex 500mg er ## There actually is no difference, they are just different abbreviations that mean the same thing. The DR stands for delayed release and the ER stands for extended release, they both just denote that the medication is in a time released formulation, so it isn't released all at once, when it's taken. You may also see it abbreviated as SR, for sustained release, CR for controlled release or just XR. Divalproex, also known as Valproate Semisodium, is most commonly used to treat manic episodes of Bipolar Disorder. It may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, weight gain and decreased coordination. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Bipolar Disorder

divalproex Er 500mg tab myl ## divalproex er 500mg myl if i take 2mg xanax, soma, and hydroco/acetamin 10-325 how will it affect me ## Well the combination of all of these medications does have the potential to be dangerous, since they can all cause depression of the central nervous system. Combining them all can cause additive effects that make it worse, so you may experience lowered heart rate, shallow breathing, lowered blood pressure and extreme fatigue and sedation. Learn more Divalproex details here. Learn more Vicodin details here. Learn more Soma details here. Learn more Xanax details here. Have they all been prescribed by the same doctor?

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

does this help you sleep better at night ## Divalproex is used to treat various conditions, such as the manic phases of Bipolar disorder and epilepsy. It can cause some drowsiness and sedation as a side effect, but should not be used just for insomnia problems, unless they are directly related to a mood disorder. Learn more: Are there any other comments or questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Bipolar Disorder

Can divalproex sod dr 250mg be used to treat extreme anxiety? I need to know because this specialist I have been seeing can't seem to get my medicine right and I kept having to try different ones... Also I have OCD (my OCD is over germs) I have had it for 14yrs and they have me on Effexor xr 75mg again... So I was hoping what would be a good medicine to be on for my OCD also... Been through a lot of different medicine for my OCD too... So I hope to hear back from you guys... Thank you ## Hello, Lynn! How are you? Yes, it can be used to treat some mood disorders. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, hair loss and tinnitus. However, there's now way to know specifically, if it will or will not help you. The only thing you can do ...

1 REPLY Filed under Effexor

hello, I am on dextroamphetimine 40 mg a day for ADD symptoms, Tramadol PRN for back pain, Armour Thyroid 150 mcg for hypothyroidism,Cymbalta 120 mg for depression and 10 mg of Abilify both taken at bedtime Advair 100, and albuteral PRN for asthma. I experienced my first cluster headache a month ago. I saw a neurosurgeon and he put me on Divalproex sod dr 250 mg to start twice a day. Will this med interfere with anything I am currently taking? ## Do you have a main doctor that is aware of everything you are taking and is your pharmacy aware of all of them, to check for interactions? There are some possible problems. Mixing the Divalproex with the Cymbalta creates the risk of conditions such as Hyponatremia, which is low blood sodium. And mixing it with the Tramadol and Abilify can incre...

1 REPLY Filed under Tramadol

I have been taking divalproex sod ec. What is the difference? In the past I was taking depcote Thanks ## What is the difference between DIVALPROEX SOD EC and DIVALPROEX SOD DR ## There is no difference, the EC and DR are just different ways of designating that they are both time released formulations of the medications. Learn more Divalproex details here. Is there anything else I can help with?


I used Teva and it worked for me, in my next px they gave me the manufacturer Mylan and it doesn't work for me. I went back to Teva and it works. Now I'm finding out that Teva has been recalled and I don't know what to do now? ## Hi, Ann! Who told you that the one from Teva has been recalled? The only information I'm finding on a recent recall for any Teva products was isolated to France and involved one medication that may have been mislabeled. They weren't even certain that it was, but due to the risks, they recalled all of it anyway, just to be safe. ## A pharmacy Walmart staff member here in Citrus Heights said it was recalled. I have found out from Teva since my original post this isn't true. The customer care gal at Teva guested that it may not be available...


I had an Rx filled and was supposedly 250 mg divalproex sodium ER. It is orange, oval shape, and number 512 one side, blank on other. I also have a white pill, oval shaped, with number 724 one side and W on other. I believe it to be the 500 mg version but need to verify. I transfer my Rx from pharmacy bottles to my own containers so they are a more convenient size for me. Dumb in retrospect. Can you help? Thanks, taxman ## Both of the tablets you've described are 250mg dosages. I wouldn't call you dumb, it's a very common mistake that a lot of people make and it's the reason sites like this exist. ;-) Is there anything else I can help with? Learn more Divalproex details here.

1 REPLY Filed under Divalproex Sodium

Divalproex delyed release 50mg, oval wite pill with zao6 onone sd, whatis this used for xacty ## Divalproex (Depakote) delayed-release tablets is an anticonvulsant, used primarily for controlling certain types of seizures in the treatment of epilepsy. It is also used to treat the manic phase of bipolar disorders (manic-depressive illness), and to prevent migraine headaches. It works by reducing or preventing the number of seizures by controlling the abnormal activity of nerve impulses in the brain and central nervous system. Exactly how it works to treat bipolar disorder and migraine headache is not known. Learn More: Depakote Details I hope this info helps to answer your question!

1 REPLY Filed under Divalproex Sodium

my 17 year old son starrted ignoring going to school regularly. then shool counsellor told us to take him to any pshcatrist we took him then of the dr. prescribed him attentrol 25mg twice 25mg morning and 50 mg at night and tab nexipride 100mg for 1 week 150mg for 2 weeks and then for 4 weeks. after 4 months attentrol was stopped and prodep 20mg was prescribed. my son became little hyper and totally refused to go to school then we contacted our dr. but we couldnot contact him due to his busy schedule. on a advised of school we went to another dr he had prescribed tab nexitoplus 1 at lunch and tab dicorate er 250mg also at lunch along with neurobion tab. due to this my son keeps on sleeping for longer durations and is unable to do his stuies which he himself wants to do with the help of ...

Valproic Acid, Divalproex Sodium Drug Index

Valproate (VPA) and its valproic acid, sodium valproate, and valproate semisodium forms are medications primarily used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder and prevent migraine headaches.[2] They are useful for the prevention of seizures in those with absence seizures, partial seizures, and generalized seizures.[2] They can be given intravenously or by mouth, and the tablet forms exist in both long- and short-acting formulations.[2] Common sid...

My son is 28 has extreme bi polar and his doctor has him on divalproex 500 mg & lithium carbonate 300mg cap can u explain what these two drugs are suppose to accomplish ## Divaloproex, also known as Valproate Semisodium is used to treat the manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder. Learn more Divalproex details here. It can also help, over the long-term, with the depressive phases. And Lithium is used as a mood stabilizer. Learn more Lithium details here. Have they been helping him? ## bad lithium link.

2 REPLIES Filed under Lithium

My old depakote (divalproex sodium er 500 Mg was a large pink pill. my new prescription of the same pill made by the same Company [Teva] now is larger, white and has the number M473 on one side. Is this the same pill. I have epilepsy and valporic acid - depakote was the med that saved me. Thanks. ## Yes, the new tablet is also 500mgs of Valproic Acid in an extended release formulation, but it is not manufactured by Teva, it is manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals, which is why the logo is an M. Learn more Valproic Acid details here. Are there any other questions? ## My pill says DR (the old pink one). Is extended release the exact same thing? I was reading where some of these can be dangerous because they're given for different problems.......such as headaches. Thanks for your help...

5 REPLIES Filed under Depakote

My husband has schitzo-affective disorder. The Depakote has helped him to remain somewhat stable with less manic episodes. However, recently, he was changed from 3000 mgs of Depakote (1000 every 8 hours) to 1000 of ER Depakote only at night....a reduction of 2000 mg daily. The first prescription was not ER. However, he remains grandiose and my question: Will the ER be stronger than the regular one? Have their been stats to indicate that some people do better on the regular Depakote rather than the ER? Is it true that 1000 mg is per 100 pounds. My husband weighs 200 pounds and it seems like he would be on 2000 mg rather than 1000 mg. ## No, the ER just means it's time released, but that doesn't make it any stronger, so he's definitely on a lower dosage. And no, the dosage is ...

1 REPLY Filed under Depakote

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