Geriatric Vitamin Liquid

2 Topics Found
Geriatric Vitamin Liquid Drug Index

A multivitamin is a preparation intended to serve as a dietary supplement with vitamins, dietary minerals, and other nutritional elements. Such preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids, or injectable formulations. Other than injectable formulations, which are only available and administered under medical supervision, multivitamins are recognized by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the United Nations' authority on food standards) as a category ...

Geritol Complete Drug Index

Geritol is a United States trademarked name for various dietary supplements, past and present.[1] Geritol is a brand name for several vitamin complexes plus iron or multimineral products in both liquid form and tablets, containing from 9.5 to 18mg of iron per daily dose.[2] The name conveys a connection with aging, as in "geriatric". The product has been promoted from almost the beginning of the mass media era as a cure for "iron-poor tired blood". Contents ...

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