
Active Ingredient(s): Ergoloid Mesylates
FDA Approved: * November 5, 1953
Pharm Company: * NOVARTIS
Category: Alzheimers / Dementia

Ergoloid mesylates (USAN), co-dergocrine mesilate (BAN) or dihydroergotoxine mesylate, trade name Hydergine, is a mixture of the methanesulfonate salts of three dihydrogenated ergot alkaloids (dihydroergocristine, dihydroergocornine, and alpha- and beta-dihydroergocryptine). It was developed by Albert Hofmann (the discoverer of LSD) for Sandoz (now part of Novartis). Contents 1 Medical uses 2 Contraindications 3 Side effects 4 Pharmacology 4.1 Mechanism of action 5 Chemistry 6 Society an... [wikipedia]

* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.
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