Xalkori After Effects


I have been taking this drug for 5 weeks and am having almost no side effects except odema--swelling of the legs and hands-anyone else have this--bowels appetite all good and sleeping well Thanks Roger

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Hi Roger I've been taking Xalkori for 11 months and the last seven or eight months have seen an huge increase in oedema of hands / arms and ankles / feet. We're trying various options, decreasing the dose, taking diuretics which has some effect but not if you're hot / flying / walking a lot. I'm guessing we're stuck with it - goodbye to posh shoes and gloves... I've found side effects to come and go. Nausea and bowel issues are my constants although I'm used to it now, and stripy vision at night. But the oedema is by far the most debilitating.

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Hello again--my oedema is improving a little and my stripy vision is 99% gone now. again.I have to wear a compression stocking on one leg.Im inclined to constipation if I don't take a mild laxative daily but no big deal---I take Movicol daily and no probs.Been on it for 2 months now at 250mg twice a day and no talk of reduction Good luck Roger

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Started after 3 years on a Xalkri. It is a nightmare.

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