Ss 20 Mg Oxy White Oval Pill


One of these or the same but 40mg is the same as how many percocets? What would be the equivalent? How many percocet tablets would be equivalent to the SS 20s and the same thing for the 40 mg? Please and thanks.

5 Replies

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Hey, I found some of these. Can you help to identify what they are? White, football shape, soft to break or snap in half, marked: split line, /20\ type mark on one side then S S in italic kind of on other side?

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Re: JustCurious203 (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It is a 20mg oxy instant release.

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Every 5 milligrams is equivalent to one Percocet. So the 20 mg oxy instant release you have is equivalent to 4 Percocet. And the 40 mg is equivalent to 8 percocets

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Re: JustCurious203 (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

There 20 mg icy footballs there called on the street

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Re: JustCurious203 (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It’s a 20 mg oxy rapid release - ss one side and line in between. They have been counterfeiting those so make sure the ss writing is smaller not big ... that’s the only way to tell. The ss marking is bigger on the impostors.

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