Seroquel Maximum Dose


Can you die on Seroquel if you take too much and how much is too much?

18 Replies

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im not sure

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My little brother was prescribed seroquel xr 50 and over dosed on a little over 20 tablets. He was rushed to the hospital and had his stomach pumped and slept for hours on end after. Im sure if you were to down a bottle you aren't going to wake up.

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Definitely. Had 200mgs and slept for 24 hours. Be very careful with this drug since it's easy for it to stop your breathing

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Should Seroquel be taken with other medications at the same time.

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i just started the drug i felt like it was helping but i guess my body is use to it

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This is the most dangerous drug I've ever taken. It also is a major cause of diabetes and high blood pressure.

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If I take 130 X 25mg, will it kill me? plz don't post any: oh no, seek help, not worth it bs, I'm done. I am just worried I will end up a vegetable and not die. someone kind, plz help?

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Yes, This is a very dangerous med. It completely can stop
your breath, people should be care ful especially the long term affect say when it plays on your other organs.Be careful.

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I started taking my friends seroquel for a month now an i was never prescribed i put myself on it for sleep but i think its messing with my memory is that possiable?

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Yes, you can die , and not because you took to much , but from HEART FAILURE..I was on it for 81/12 months, and quit when I started having severe chest pains, with-in a half hour of taking a 50 mg pill (daily)...check on SEROQUEL SIDE EFFECTS..TODAY.! dont'll regret it if you do..J.L

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well i took 9000mg and im still alive but they told me i was lucky most people dont survive so if your takin 300xr dont take 30 of them

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Hate to hear that -N- WITh Negitive THINKING yourself n ur life worth YOUR RIGHT YOU'D PROBABLY end up not a vegtable but closest thing to it, drooling all over ursef n crappin ur brithes because u short-circued YOUR NEOURONS out n dont EVEN know your doing it..LIFE IS HARD.>>we all have our MOUNTAINS to climb, -disappontments or pain n sick-ness....ALL THESE THINGS >>CAN FIXED 1 STEP AT A TIME...seriously, trying to OD on seraqual is'nt really what U want...u asked US all for help by posting this (think about it)....

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I've been on Seroqual 300mg 100mg 50mg>>and also
Geodone both are dangerious for your health, they are both made by AstroZenaca, and they BOTH have EXACT same SIDE-AFFECTS,..!!!!

I've been on a New 1 for me its called HALOPERIDOL 1MG, I take 1/2 in morning an 1/2 at nite, its DOES NOT MAKE U AN IDIOT like seroqual did me, it stops the brain-race thing, am calmer and HAPPY enough to laugh MORE then i have in a yr...ask to try it rather then put ur life at risk with the other 2 I named...

side-effects? head-ache occasionaly...and laughing alot...not 1/2 the anxiety n aggression , n paranoia, that I had before 4 weeks ago...felt the 1st pill IMMEDIATELY...good luck everyone..n have a GREAT day bye bye

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I agree with u. Im done with "things will work out" 53 yrs old? Nothings worked out!

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Im on seroquel. Pristiq. Lyrica. Valium. Nomasons ms contin. Endone. Treatment for. Ptsd. Adultadd. Bipola. And iv never been more depressed in my life! Will drs listen? Not if u have no money. If you have money u can! Buy happiness!!! Because u can afford treatment poor people cant! Take it from someone who has been on them all!

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I just saw your post from 2011. Are you still here?

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Hi. I have been on seroquel pretty much for 16 years. I use to be on 609mgs but have been taking 1400mgs the last 6 years. I am like a zombie. I sleep mainly that's all. I have gained weight. I am lethargic and can't stand psychiatrists. I feel like refusing any seroquel. I have reduced to 800mgs the last two days. I have a headache. I know this is a high dose and I think it's bad for my health. I have been put in three community treatment orders as an involuntary patient and I never refused to take pills but now I want to refuse.

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What well happen if I take 29 of them that are at 200 MG = to 5800 MG?

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