Round White Pills ... Oxycodone???


Small white round pill one side has M with a square around it and the other side has a score in the middle with the number 30 on the top.

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This tablet is actually an extremely pale blue, but yes, it does contain 30mgs of Oxycodone, a generic for Roxicodone, a very potent narcotic pain reliever.

Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

You can read more about this medication here:


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no i know what your talking about. but ive seen these pills my whole life taking care of my grandpa. but ive seen pills that look exactly like the m boxed with 30 on other side with a score but completely white. yet have not found info on them ever. but no like its not light blue its completly white. what the hell is it.

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ive actually been looking through the internet. cant find any information from pharmacy web site. pill identifiers or even from person to person accounts. i for the life of me dont know what this is

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Yeah there is some whit fake roxicodone going around with the markings m on one side and the 30 on the other side like the real once.

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Re: marshall G (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Oxycodin is what it is.
There WHITE small round with M inside Box other side with 30 on top then line In middle. Its a roxi. Just a generic that's all. I have them.

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