Round Pill With An M Light Pink Or Peach In Color


round pill with an M on one side and the number 594 on the other side light pink or peach in color

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Found a match it's oxycodone hydrochloride extended release 20 mg, which is used to treat pain (moderate to severe levels).

To learn more click on the link below....

Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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last week found 46 80 mg oc's. He admitted to this one. Today, I picked his wallet up out ofhis nightstand drawer to see just how much money was in there, and 4 of these little round ( pale pink) pills fell out. I scrambled to get my glasses but I only had time to see 30 on one side before he came back upstairs. Help!!!

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I was able to locate a few pink pills with a 30 on them. One is Adderall 30 mg, it's a lighter pink, and also has an M in a square on the other side. The other pill is Adalat CC 30 mg, it is a darker pink, and has a 30 on one side and Adalat CC on the other.

Click on the link below to learn about both of these drugs...

Please post back if these are not your pills. If you have any more information about your pill, it would help me better in locating the correct one.

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can you show me a picture of a pill with m38 on it and it pink/orange

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the m is over then 38

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