Raised Alt Methotrexate


I have been on methotrexate for about 8 weeks, 15 mg weekly to treat PA. Just had call from hospital to say my latest blood work has come back with Alt raised from .56 in the last test to 109 on latest test. Do I need to worry?

4 Replies

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Hello, Matty! How are you?

There is a chance that it's raised due to liver damage, but more evaluating would be required to know for sure.

The FDA lists the other side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry cough and headache.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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What is a plantar fibroma? I have a lump on the top of the arch in my foot that is very painful. Sometimes feels like fire in my foot. When I get up can barely walk for the pain. But after a few minutes the pain will ease. Saw a foot doctor a few years ago for this and he said nothing could be done except to use orthotics inserts in my shoes. Could I have a plantar fibroma? My PCP says it is plantar fasciitis, but gave no treatment for it.

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Hi Does methotrexate make you gain weight?
Take 15mg a week methotrexate and everyday except day of (metho)I take 10mg folic acid. And every second day I take Arava 10mg .
Which tab is making me put weight on ( 12kilos. )
Thanks again Donna

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Re: Donna (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on methotrexate a long time and haven't gained any weight but didn't when on prednisone either.

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