Orange Subutex 153 Half Moon (Page 2)


I use these and they work great. I was on the Roxanna Pharma ones that were circular in size and these orange ones work way better. Wish I had been on them from the start.

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Go to Walgreens if you want to fill the moons, the orange ones, they are by actavis

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Hi Fred,
I have just a few left of the 8 mg...Subutex. Like I said before, I'm scared to death of the withdraws I will have when done. I could get more but don't want to..I want off. Any suggestions? Someone told me to take a few reg pain pills for a few subutex, then very little subutex after..ween from there. What do you or anyone suggest? Thank you!

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Reply with how much you have been taking and for how long

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Around 7 months..depending if i break off the right amount...2 to 3 mg daily.

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I would start taking the smaller end of a 2mg break. After 15 days of doing that u need to drop to a big 1mg for 15 days. Then drop to a small 1mg for 15 days then take the smallest piece u can for 15 days. That's how I used to get myself down off of 2mg all the time. It's a 60 day process. Now, during the time just after when ur taking nothing try to push through with whatever non narcotics u can. However if I absolutely need to sleep or need to feel better , take a very small amount of Percocet. Like a 5 or 10mg and don't make a habit. In my experience I take Valium after my final jump off the subs and it helps me sleep. And if I ever had like bad stomach cramps I would take marijuana. If I was restless as all hell I would take a 10mg perc. But never 2 days in a row. Before u know it u can be on the other side of this - the most important thing is bringing urself down on the bupe from where ur at now. 7 months is not that long u can drop in 60 days like I told u and probably feel not too bad after jumping. Anyways keep us posted!!

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Thank you much for the info! Damn, wish it could go faster though. I will give this a try...thanks again!
This starts tomorrow and yes, i will keep you posted.

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I`m pretty sure that these new orange subutex have a blocker in them because I used opiates an then did one of these new subutex an went through instant withdraw within 40 minutes of taking it. At first I didn`t think it was a subutex cause there isn`t suppose to be a blocker in it but there most certainly is a blocker in them. So for anybody who uses opiates make sure u wait 24 hrs. before taking the new orange subtext.

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I PROMISE blockers. If you are having withdraws, its not from Subutex. Are you sure you don't have Suboxin? Subutex is straight up!

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It seems you both have been misinformed, the common misunderstanding about Subutex is that it has "No blocker" in it, and you can feel euphoria after taking it Or take it soon after taking opiates without fear of precipitated withdrawal. Furthermore - basically saying that Suboxone is the only one that mixes badly with opiates. Also boxing is, is buprenorphine plus naloxone. Google the term, it was added into Suboxone to stop the use of IV with the threat of potential Addicts wanting to use their medicine this way. It is the Buprenorphine that is common in both Subutex and Suboxone that is the deciding factor when it comes to precipitated withdrawal/also having to wait until your body can feel the opiates. And no, the new half moons do not have naloxone in it anyways as they are generic for subutex not suboxone.

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Just got my first script of the actavis surfboard half moon two 8mgs a month 60 tablets lol. After I read this about the roxane lab shortage thought my state had extra cause there were two more scripts of roxane I got. I asked for them to leave it sealed in the roxane bottle cause they come in bottles of thirty tablets so they usually just put the label on and leave it sealed, cause I have ocd and was shorted before. This pharmacy wouldn't do that. To reduce myself I take intra... it's got better bioavailability this way and works for Me and this way instead of two 8mgs a day I can cut it into half or whole to last long as I have plenty benzos. I don't feel like these oranges feel the same but feel like less lasts longer so in that respect I like the oranges. The hi tec never did it. I know it was my mind and that the hi tecs would work sublingual but kinda hard smash a tic tac am make last.

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That's cause buprenorphine is half agonist antagonist by itself without the naloxone I'm on subutex two years now got first script of the boards two 8mgs a day an to me only diffefence was they lsated the way I use longer

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No there is not any naloxone in these. They are generic tex not subuxone. These ad straight up the best bupe out there. Have been on these for 3 months and the Roxanne before that these are above and beyond better.

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I thought the opposite was true. I thought the additional drug in suboxone would put one in severe withdrawal.

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if you try to take suboxone, yes the naloxone is supposed to put you into precipitated withdrawal.... And that's weather or not you have opiates in your system.

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Question...I finished my subutex..all was well then a few days later I started feeling yucky. Ok...So, i took 5 pain pills in 2 days..i so wont do again..ive come too far. A friend gave me a peice of suboxone...i took 4 pk's yesterday and half of one today... Can i take this suboxone and not worry about some kind of withdraws?

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Dude subutex buprenorphine u are by medical common sense wrong to the guy who said subutex won't make u sick. the only diff is suboxone has naloxone also but subutex is a partial agonist/antagonist. Methadone, OxyContin, fentanyl, opana, Hydromorphone, ect are what's called full agonist. if u are using one of the above an lets say sublingual buprenorphine/subutex u will be in horrible withdrawals.

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Mary how is everything going? Keep us informed!

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I disagree the orange subs with 153 on one side and D on the other are completely different than the white ones or any other subs I've had. They taste awful and there to big, I just got them for the first time yesterday and unfortunately I'm stuck with 2 weeks worth but I've been on subs for over 3 years I've gotten a couple different kinds the small Itty bitty ones with a 8 on it and the big white ones and these, but these are nothing at all like the the white ones like at all. I hate them. And I can't believe they really expect me to put it under my tongue with that God awful taste, I mean really!!!!

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Hi...Thanks for asking! I'm doing great! I'm off everything now. When I ran out of Subutex, I used pain meds for 3 1 8mg Subutex when done with pain meds...Took very little for lime 3 or 4 days. Stopped everything and had no issues! I'm just a bit tired, but all and all...doing well. My doc thinks I should stay on a low dose of Subutex to manage my pain...Just something I'm thinking about doing.

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That is great news! Happy it worked out for you... Yeah the lethargic heavy tired and yawny feeling is something that will always be there for the dfirst couple weeks... Gets better everyday.

A low dose of subutex I believe is the best thinng

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