Is There A Sure Fire Way To Pass A Hair Follicle Test For Methamphetamine


Im a everyday methamphetamine user and I have to take an unexpected hair test within a week. Is there anything that will help me pass this test? Please help!

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What can I use from home to pass a hair follicle test for methamphetamine and marijuana?

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I did a hair follicle test not long ago and failed at the end of july, and I have to do another one in October. Ive still been using and dont want to fail can u please tell me wat treatment do u do toIir hair to pass plz

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I am trying to get my grandchildren out of foster homes and if asked to take a hair follicle test I am told I will fail because of the over the counter allergy meds I this true"?

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How do I pass a hair test without spending Alot of money to pay for hard drugs no cameras

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I have the nexxus aloe rid shampoo. Does that get methamphetamine out also?

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Hi folks, there is nothing that you can do to confound a hair sample test. I do drug and alcohol screening so i get this question a lot. Hair grows around a quarter inch per month, with Asian hair growing a little faster, and African hair a little slower. So for every quarter inch segment from the scalp you are testing around one month back in time. If you can get yourself a number one cut then you will be fine, if not then you have a problem. Underarm hair can be used but it is difficult to gather enough to meet the minimum required for a legal sample.

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Somehow I failed a hair follicle test for methamphetamine and they said my levels were 2550. What does that mean and how is that possible?

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Re: Jane (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. My husband has a hair test to get a really good job. We have had methamphetamine about once every 2 to 3 weeks for the last 90 plus days. We have also smoked 2 times since December and took a couple benzos 1 time back on February first. Can he somehow pass this?

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