Is Their Any Doctor In Bucks County P A Who Give Methadone For Chronic Pain (Top voted first)


can you help me find a doctor in bucks county p.a who gives methadone chronic pain

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is their any doctors in bucks county p.a who give methadone for chronic back pain

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Hello, Rick! How are you? Sorry that you're in pain.

Unfortunately, there is no central listing of what doctor will prescribe any given medication, such a thing would cause many problems, especially when it comes to controlled substances.

And due to the new regulations that were put in place this year, if you require such a medication on a long-term basis for chronic pain, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. General practitioners and surgeons have now been severely restricted in what they can prescribe, how much they can prescribe and how long they can prescribe it.

Learn more Methadone details here.

Do you currently have a PCP that could refer you somewhere?

That would likely be the easiest way to find the help you need.

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