Is Requip Any Thing Like Flexeril


Please let me know if these two drugs are in the same family?

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Did you mean Flexeril?

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is the a genaric for requip

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The generic of Requip is Ropininol. It is only used for Restless Leg Syndrome. At the end of your sentence you say something like flexiaril. I thought perhaps you were referring to the brand name Flexeril, a muscle relaxer used for muscle pain, muscle spasms. Requip is strictly used for People who's legs move constantly when lying down, sitting down, especially when sleeping. They find it hard to sleep well because their legs keep on moving. Flexeril is used more for things like a back injury, very sore muscles, sprained muscles. Hope this helps.

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4 me requip does remind me of flexiril,only thing diff. requip makes me sleepy,so i would not recomend day time taking,but every persons metabolisim is diffnt.

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