In Ok Is It A Law To Receive Xanax Only If You Re Seeing Mental Health Dr


Is it a mandatory law that in OK. You have to see a mental health DR. before receiving XANAX

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Hi Shelia, I'm on Klonopin and I don't c a mental health Dr. They r both in the category of benzodiazepines. Maybe it's different from state 2 state. But, up here in RI, me and others I know, get them through a PCP.

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It might be harder to obtain in your State or even your County, City, Municipality or Parish. What is a Parish anyway? You can always try to go out of state although many family doctors are still allowed to prescribe Xanax, at least for short term use?

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Hello, Shelia! How are you?

It is a new regulation that was put in place last year in the U.S. Any new patients needing such medications on a long-term ongoing basis will need to see a specialist. PCPs are no longer allowed to prescribe them, except under certain circumstances or for very short term use.

For instance, if Cats68's doctor was prescribing it, before the regulation was in place, they can opt to continue to do so, but couldn't do so for a new patient.

This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Verwon, as you are greatly respected here can you please post a link to this Federal Law?

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I thought so!

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