Hydrocodone M20


need to know strength of hydrocodone with M20 on one side and LL in script on other, white oblong pill

3 Replies

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Based on the description provided, I found your white oblong pill marked M20 LL to be Methocarbamol (500 mg).

Methocarbamol is a central muscle relaxant used to treat skeletal muscle spasms.

For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below...

If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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thanks David. I am pretty sure this is hydrocodone, perhaps 500mg, which i think is different than methocarbamol. what i really need is to know the codeine part, such as 5/500 or 10/650. i have several bottles different strengths and i dumped them out without noticing, would like to get them back in correct bottles.

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My findings from your description were based on the white oblong pill with two fancy looking L's overlapping one another on one side, and on the other side there is M|20 separated by a score.

I hope this helps to clarify what the Methocarbamol pill looks like.

I will try to gather more information regarding Hydrocodone and see if a similar pill marking is causing the difference here.

Please post back if you have any more information to add...

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