How Xanax Has Helped Me To Sleep


I have been on antidepressants for about 2 years, nothing helped me to sleep. I started taking 1.5 mg of Xanax before I go to bed and finally after all this time I am sleeping through the night. I still have dreams but they don't keep me awake. I feel fully rested and get a good nights sleep. I only take the Xanax at night and I don't take anything during the day, I don't feel any anxiety. I will never take anything else, all those other medicines i.e Zoloft, Viibryd, Prozac made me crazy. Hope this will help someone else. Now that I'm sleeping I'm sure that I will be back to normal soon. Hang in things will get better. I also take it on an empty stomach and just sit and relax quietly before bed.

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Hello, Evie! How are you? I'm very glad that you've found something that works for you.

Benzodiazepines have proven successful for resistant insomnia in many people, when other medications didn't work.

However, they do carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

As to the antidepressants, it actually makes sense that they didn't help you to sleep, most of them can cause REM onset latency, which means that it takes longer to fall asleep and longer to enter the REM stage and it also lasts for a shorter period of time.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Yes there was a time when many of us only used Xanax at night. It will let you know when it takes over your Brain. Yeah its a miracle drug, praise in the name of Alprazolam . One day you wont be able to obtain Xanax and could become very sick. Many of us were in love with the medicine at first too. Nothing to love about Xanax

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I appreciate you sharing this information Evie (original poster), however I do agree with post #1 about xanax not always being available at times when you might need it most. Subjecting your health and wellbeing to not only the doctor's discretion who prescribes it, but also to the pharmacist who may or may not fill it, is risky business when it comes to patients who've relied on this medication for years on end. The chance of being cut off and thrown into life threatening withdrawals just isn't worth the potential benefits in my opinion. I've seen some related threads discussing that very thing and these people said they wouldn't want to wish it on their worst enemy.

And I'm not here to persuade you away from what's been working, but maybe to help inform others that there are a variety of safer sleep aids on the market such as melatonin, essential oils, medical cannabis (indica/cbd's), adaptogenic herbs, homeopathic formula's, meditation, etc; that have all proven to be very effective from my experience in overcoming episodes of insomnia.

I wish you well and hope that this medication continues to work out for you!

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