How To Inject M 30 Oxycodone


how to inject m 30 oxycodone i did plain water & pill and got no feeling at all

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Doing this is actually very dangerous! Oxycodone is a very potent narcotic.

Not only could you end up overdosing on it, but many of these tablets also contain binders and fillers and some of these, especially in time released medications, are not meant to be broken down by the human body, but instead they are normally expelled in your waste.

If you inject them, you are putting these substances into your body in a place where your body cannot dispose of them this creates a serious potential for blockages, which can also be fatal or cause other severe health conditions.

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Did u heat it?

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Listen to Verwon friend..And also listen to me, a hard core drug addict..If you have never shot up..DONT and if you have STOP NOW. you are in for a world of pain and suffering.. Please believe me, I have lost cars, homes. every piece of jewelery I ever had, My dignaty. self respect, and almost my life..I started at 14 years old, and I am now 55 and I will be on methadone maintenance for as long as I live..Is that what you want for your life?? Amd don't say I wont get hooked, and never ever think you have hit bottom.. The diease of addiction will kill you because it is the only diease that tells you you arent sick. You will wind up in jail, in prison nuthouse, a 12 step program or on methadone..Drug addiction isn't fun, it is a full time job. problem is, you won't know when the party is over and the work starts until its too late..I have Hep C and will probably die from liver cancer, I have sold my body done burgleries, ran with bank robbers and killers. had an old man that beat me to a pulp almost everyday..You will do everything you swore you would never do to get a fix..You will steal from your family first, then sell off your stuff, and when thats gone, you got your body and if you are male, you will give a dirty old man a BJ..You can laugh at this, or hopefully take me seriously..My cousin was murdered over drugs in another country and another cousin is in prison for murder. We all had a blast at first..Please stop


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i shot up for years. i was the definition of a dope head. anything you could put in a needle, i put in my arms, hands, legs, feet, pretty much anywhere i could poke myself. yea its fun at first. and youll never get that high any other way. but i can promise you its not worth it. thinking back, its disgraceful what i would do just to keep my self well. yea you might think being dope sick is the worst feeling in the world, well... its nothing compared to what shame you will feel after you do actually sober up and realize what youve done to family, friends, and almost anyone around you. and trust me, youll feel that guilt for the rest of your life. so go to the methadone clinic, do saboxin, find whatever you have to in order to quit, before you regret it.

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Pills really aren't made to be shot up, and taking them orally is what you should be doing if you are abusing them. If you already have a needle you must have at least given heroin a shot... so stick to the h if u wanna i.v. opiates....Or go to a hospital....OR DETOX! You probably will lose anything you care about if you do this s*** for too long so don't be a dummy.......

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Sorry for your pain,but as a 62 year old,with a 48 year habit,I can say I have maintained my fortune and lived a good life,getting high on dope every now and then.Weak people cannot do this,but do not say EVERYONE cannot handle themselves with propriety where drug usage is an issue.Maybe this is youe excuse for your life and what YOU did,but do not paint us all with this brush

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Listen to this guy he is telling the truth i am 38 and i have been shooting up for 2 years and it is a great high however its hard as hell to stop i have stopped at least 8 different times i have i quite it jail on the street and in the soboxone clinic its no fun and you will loss everything you own that is a promise!!! DON'T START PLEASE!!!! i am still fighting it everyday !!!

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ive been shooting up tha oc 30 babys for a week now. i can find no way to completely dilute the pill in water so its been frustrating. however tha water turns into a light blue and thats whats been f********* me up the most. ill feel super out of it n start nodding like how u feel when smoking it. {edited for safety} everyone on here doing it is still gonna look for their answers even if on a different sight. no advice will stop us so can we get tha answers we r looking for?? *anyone know how to FULLY dilute an oc30mg???

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Doing drugs will ruin your life. I had to go to rehab and detox from doing oxy 30s everyday for 4 years. If you want to ruin your life or hurt everyone you love the most keep doing it you WILL wind up in jail hospitals or institutions. You will be completely alone and eventuaaly get killed or kill yourself. Get help, die, or go to a f***ing na meeting.

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KEEP YOUR BS SOB STORIES TO YOURSELF! The question was "how to break it down so it can be injected" NOT whether or not you should be using drugs. So if you really want to help someone with this topic, then explain how to do it safely so someone doesn't f*** up and hurt themselves.

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WOW! I only came to this site because my 24yr old cousin is shooting the oxy 30's and out of complete curiosity I wanted to find a site to show him the reality of what it does to your body. But I found this site & WOW! Im mind blown at how many people are doing this! & one person posted that we should keep the advice off of here about NOT doing it & I understand, if your gonna do it, your gonna do it regardless. My father was an alcoholic for 35yrs (hes only 54) & I have seen him struggle so much but hes 7 months sober now. Anyways, I guess I just wanna say to please be careful what you do & what you try because you may never be able to stop! God Bless all the addicts! Addiction is a horrible demon that you will fight the rest of your lives! With that being said, PLEASE PLEASE be careful, use CLEAN needles & try to educate yourself as much as possible on the risks, dangers & the proper way to shoot up! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE

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SO glad you didnt try it! I have tried snorting pills & even that scared me to death! & i didnt even get that much higher that much faster! If your gonna do em swallowing is the best way. But I really hope you dont do them at all! :)

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can you shoot white 30mgs oxycodones one side says 114 ten theres a sreight line under tat with the other side blank ju8st giot them filled today so i know thats mwhat they are any one out there there tha knows i little bit im use two blues

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how come all you people who know so much about chemicals and getting high can't spell? weird.

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One little thing that helps in preparing your pill to be injected is {edited for safety} I have been shooting up for only 3 or 4 months, but before I started, I diligently researched the safest way to do it, and watched my friends while they shot up. Of course it's a bad thing to do, and of course those of us that do this will be judged and stereotyped, but I myself shoot up because I like the high, and I like the needle. Most people don't realize that after a certain amount of time, the addiction is half the drug and half the needle. (Not exactly HALF and HALF like that, but you get the point.) After {edited for safety} One day I will stop shooting up and get clean, but as long as I'm still on the right track and not homeless or in jail, and my bills are paid, I will continue doing my drugs. What has become frowned upon is the fact that some people don't have the same will power as myself or others like me. That's when they get desperate, dirty, and dangerous. They forget what life was like before the addiction. Once you lose sight of that, it's nothing but a long journey back to freedom, sobriety. Thank you for reading, and I hope my post has helped.

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If it's a regular M 30, then all you need to do is crush it into a fine powder, and I mean FINE powder. Add about half a pull of water from the syringe and mix it very well. Use a small piece of cotton rolled between your fingers. And pull it into the rig. Then drop by drop add water to the wash, re stir it, and repeat. If you have a high tolerance, then only one won't do much besides make you not dope sick. Try doing more than one. And a little trick I learned is to snort a whole one, fix up your rig to inject it, then once the high from injecting wears off you'll still have the drip from the one you snorted.

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I tried it, didn't feel anything. {edited for safety} I know I have a high tolerance but I thought I would feel something but no. wtf and btw I have 10/325 I know they are the lowest, any suggestions?

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You can't shoot tylenol..omg'stop.

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Beggars can't be choosy. Gotta deal wit what I can get. Now is BS OXY I get oxymorphone & hydromorphone.

Editor's note: this thread has been locked because it violates our terms of use.

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Don't be idiotic, you can't shoot percocets. Tryin to get yourself killed?

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Now you got this post! You do not get s*** from trying to IV 99% of pills today most all have be made to do less and D E A plays "God" Closing pharmacies to mess with people who just fill the prescriptions written by Doctors in good standing in all United States. Yes if someone wants to feel high they can get what they want from the streets! But if you live in chronic pain and just want to be a part of Life with out as much pain to take short walks with your kids or grand kids in my case. Things have to change with the way people are being screwed with by our Government Thugs. I wish we had "youth in Asia" spelling is wrong I Know! Like in the movie Soylent Green that we can make a choice if the pain gets to bad and the system does not want to help people in that pain. Without losing your life insurance on a taking your life clause. People who seek out the people who play the Doctor's game to sell their Somas, Xanax or plus a lot more just for the money is sad for all, but that is cause and affect with shutting down Pharmacies, DEA making labels on people as drug addicts etc. pushing them to the streets to find help. This is just my thoughts on this site.

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Really cool drug addict story's hmmm maybe stop f***ing thinking about it and spreading it to other people. I'm an every day IV user so I don't wanna hear it. oc30 used intravenously doesn't do anything at all

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Hats off to you my friend, not everyone gets so reckless as to lose it all, it's a decision, I have maintained an awesome job and life, can I lose it all? Within days.! But only if I decide to. By. Willy

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The reason yours is foaming up is cuz the 325 part of your pill is Tylenol. A 10/325 is 10 mg oxy and 325 mg Tylenol. Those are called percocets and do not IV well at all. That's a waste of money trying.

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I've shot everything I could. OC's too. I was lucky to get off heroin. Then, afterwords came the pills. It's all bad news. I've had a lot of fun, but it drove me to homelessness. We're sick. We need help. I hope we find it. DON'T shoot Codeine!!! Please try to get help! You deserve it! I welcomed the sleep, but I realize it's NOT worth it!!! I tried to overdose a month ago with 2 syrupy filled rigs of tar, only to miss the 2nd shot, & wake up pissed, until I thought of my daughter. Then I had to deal with a NASTY abscess. May we all deal with our pain in other ways!

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Matt NREMTPRRT MS you have hit a point to stop a overdose in time naloxone..AKA Narcan is the right counteracting drug to stop the over dose if someone is watching"Sad" to say, I nodded off and my friend nodded to death as I dreamed next to him and by the time I woke he was dead.It would have been nice to know and have the Narcan ready to save my friend life, but I did not. Is their a way to get it without going to jail? Let us know for any user of OC'S or opiates and if there are any classes like needle exchange?

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I actually happened upon this site while doing research. I'm a Nationally Registered Paramedic with a specialty in critical care and belong to one of the nations largest departments. I browsed through some of the comments on here and it greatly concerns me; not the fact that people want instructions on how to abuse controlled substances but, the fact I did not see one thing on naloxone..AKA Narcan. I'm a strong advocate of giving intranasal naloxone to addicts and the family members of addicts. Luckily laws are changing and if you search on google you may be able to find a non-profit that will supply you with intranasal naloxone after a ninety hour class. I'm not in ANY way judging anyone who is an addict; it's a disease no different than someone who has a seizure disorder. The bottom line is there are countless overdoses I've responded to over the years and the ones I couldn't get to in time to administer care to, still haunt me. If, if only they had naloxone, I'm more than comfortable to say half or more of those souls would still be with us. If your area has not yet allowed intranasal naloxone to be given to patients and care givers, PLEASE write and call the politicians in your area and demand it. Most areas now allow all first responders (PD, Fire, and Basic EMTs) to carry and administer the drug via IN and that's great but that's simply not good enough. Anyways, I hope maybe at least one person may read this and get their own IN naloxone..btw if you or someone needs us for an OD don't worry about the cops. We don't report, confiscate anything, etc. But PD often tries to beat us there..probably shouldn't say this but to a lot of them it's about trying to find any drugs rather than care for the person so, if you have to call just get rid of the stuff, but be honest with the Medic so we can treat accordingly. God Bless you all and stay safe!

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That must have sucked! I was told the two should never used if one or the other is in your system, There is a drug interaction it can be bad ( Naloxone is an special narcotic drug that reverses the effects of other narcotic medicines.) it is like if you take Methadone or any other opioid never take "Talwin" as it can cause withdraw feelings and runs and etc.

Please use this site or others to check if the Drugs you have will interact with what you have or what is in your system to start. I hope you feel better now always check to be safe. Please be careful I do not know about you but I have lost to many friends to simple OD's and chocked on there back with no one to help! I have to say that my spelling and Grammer

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