How Long Do You Have To Take Methadone Get Withdrawal


Hi i take methadone for 3yrs now i take 80mgs a day. But Tuesday the 6th i took 70mgs and wensday on the 7th k took none and today Thursday i took maybe 40mgs and i don't get my next dose of 80mgs until Tomorrow do u think I'm be withdrawing soon i already starting to feel sick

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Hello I have been taking Methadone through a clinic for over 5years. I was prescribed methadone by a physician for a number of years prior to this. I consider myself a creditable source of information on this medication. Usually if I miss my dose i truly wouldn't be able to notice the first day if my pain level didn't spike. If I was to have a partial dose as you dud the second day, I wouldn't be sick but not be 100% good. I as you are by morning will be very ready to receive my full dose. Sadly for myself anyway after I miss dose a day or two when I do dose I get little relief. I believe its due to the levels dropping in my body. I do believe during the first few days of missing its mostly a mental craving or I only feel "sick" after thinking about missing my dose. Hope this is helpful.

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Hi Jennifer, yes, u will feel withdrawals. Especially, skipping days and some days only taking half of your dose. If you wish 2 get off of it , u must do it VERY slowly each day or week. Take it from me. When I got down 2 a certain amount, while tapering down, I went through such BAD withdrawals. Had 2 go on suboxone. But, if u chooso 2 stay on them, take your proper dose, everyday. You'll b stable and feel good. No roller coaster ride. Good Luck!

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Jennifer ... Years ago .. I was on 110 mgs .. and I tried to 'jump off' .. I was so sick for 2 weeks I called the clinic to back on ... I was fed up with this .. so TIRED of taking it ... So I went to a hospital .. (Very dishonest to get my needs met ) I told triage that if they didn't get me a bed .. I was going to walk outside and blow my brains out! I never mentioned at triage my methadone dependence ... So when they took me in the psych ward .. very awesome bunch of caring people , I had a wonderful stay at this hospital .. Anyways the dr there .. sent me home after a couple of days with with a detoxing dose of the meds .. I followed their directions to the letter !! I was SOON Free !! (By the way .. the local clinic here was wanting to to take me down 5 mgs every OTHER Week ... the Dr took me down.. 5 mgs every OTHER DAY !! I was totally off of 110 mgs in very short time frame !! Soo good luck with this ...

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Good for you. Clinics can wean you quickly because you are inpatient facilities and have at their disposal everything they would need if you had an adverse event.. You primary doc has to do it over a period of weeks or months because he doesn t see you every day. God Bless. Good job.

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Getting free of any drug requires tapering off. If you choose to get free, consult a doctor first who will give you a formula for the detox process. I don't know much about Methadone, I have seen it do unpleasant things to folks, but it is similar to Oxy in detoxing. Take 80 for a few days, drop to 70 for a few days (as defined by your doctor) 60, than 50, drop to 40, then 30, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0. Or, something like that. Never go from 80 to 70 for a day then stop. It will put you into brutal withdrawal which can hurt you, and is totally unnecessary.
Your doctor might as well put you into a rehab center that will help you get free effectively.

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No your not withdrawaling but you shouldn't do that with mdone it wont work right I think right now its a mental thing for u.listen try to stay at the same dose mgs for awhile til u feel good good not chasing a high and when your ready to detox off it u must go real slow or it will never work.

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Madness, you must be using in between? But remember that you can go first24/36 without any, the drugs remain effective in the system for this period. Good luck reducing. 70/80 ml methadone is acceptable, of subutex it is not!!

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Well said. Maintaining means sustaining "normality" not getting high, take dose(s) reguarly at same time everyday, and reduce slowly, but stopping is very difficult, much depends on lenght of addiction?

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Re: Nathan (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

You would need a slow reduction period. 80mg would require months of reduction. Probably down to 2 or 3mg. Then you will suffer from sleep loss and some nausea. No easy escape. Sadly.

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