Find A Doctor In Ft Worth Tx Who Will Prescribe Xanax (Top voted first)


need help moved to fort worth a month ago an I can not find a doctor that will write me Xanax. I mean I get 60 of the 2mg a month an I bring the bottle to show them but moving is so hard when I cant even get my meds in this area to start my day!! please help

11 Replies

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There seems to be a misunderstanding that the Psychiatrist will prescribe Xanax. How would you know what they might try? Unless there is a written State law that you must see a specialist, Xanax can most certainly be prescribed by a regular M.D.

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I was seeing dr Richard yentis in Fort Worth but he retired and I can't find a doctor in ftworth does anyone know of a good dr for anxiety disorder and that prescribes suboxone

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Re: Coby (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

You can get Suboxone at Texas Treatment on Brentwood Stair Rd. My Primary just had a stroke so I'm still trying to find somewhere to fill my Valium and my Klonopin. If anyone know where to go please reply

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Re: Christian (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Attention name is Alex and I HV a solution please I'm me asap. Alex gaskill

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Re: Alex gaskill (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I am in same boy as the guy in message saying “ You can get Suboxone at Texas Treatment on Brentwood Stair Rd. My Primary just had a stroke so I'm still trying to find somewhere to fill my Valium and my Klonopin. If anyone know where to go please reply ” do you have a solution still?

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Re: Alex gaskill (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

do you know where to get xanex or klonopon?

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Re: Erica (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Try Dr.Raj Shiwach office in DeSoto tx

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The smallest dose is the only way to go. I don't know about your area but many Psychiatrists do not take insurance and charge $250-$500.

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Go to Parkland in Dallas or non religious Psychiatrists see referral through a non religious psychotherapist.

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The reason I said psychiatrist is because if there is any other problems that person may be having,then that is the best way to go or it was for myself,it was just a suggestion and yes a primary care doctor can write a script for them,but most generally its the smallest dose,if the person can't find a Dr who will prescribe them,then the psychiatrist is the best way to go.

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You need to get you a primary care doctor and have them to refer you to a psychiatrist and then you should have no problems getting your meds.Good luck

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