Can Lidocaine Cause A False Positive Cocaine Drug Test


Is there any kind of food or meditation that can cause a false positive drug test for cocaine?

2 Replies

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I had a hair drug test that came up positive for cocaine. I'm dealing with an addiction specialist who says that I'm a heavy user of cocaine for the last 30 days. Intetesting that I have not used cocaine. I'm wondering if anyone has had a positive hair test for cocaine and did not use and what might have happened here. Given the reputation of this dr, I went for an independent test, who also told me there was no reason to go for an independent test that it would prove nothing. I went anyway. The only thing I've used is Lidoderm patches for my back.

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Re: tanny m. (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

No, those patches will not give a false positive for cocaine.

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