Can I Take Duexis For Toothach?


I have a wisdom tooth that's acting up really bad and i've used everything I can think about I haven't been to my dentist yet but I'm in so much pain that I would take anything right about now just for this pain to go away so can I take duexis?

2 Replies

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I am so very sorry about the pain that you're in.

This medication is listed as containing Ibuprofen, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and Famotidine, which is an antacid. Thus, it may not do much more to help the pain.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness and headache.

Have you consulted your dentist, yet? That would be the best thing to do to discover what's wrong and how to rectify it.

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chbchhfhfgfhffhfhfghfghgfjhgfhg you can not take this this way

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