Amtas 5 Side Effect


Two months ago I was prescribed amass 5mg. My bp is perfect but I noticed this week that I have gained weight. I never had a weight problem before. My diet has not changed. Could the weight gain be attributed to amtas?

2 Replies

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Hello, CynAnne! How are you doing?

Yes, most blood pressure and heart medications have been known to cause weight gain in some people that take them. The average is usually about 10 pounds, according to the U.S. FDA. Other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and increased urination.

If you'd like, you could try asking your doctor about trying a different medication, to see if there is one that won't cause you to experience weight gain.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you very much for the response. That was all i needed to know. I will change from this medication asap.

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