Xolair Forums (Page 2)

Recently active Xolair forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Xolair and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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I have had some leg swelling - on the left and severe muscle cramps - has anyone else experienced this on xolair? ## Hello, Lee! How are you feeling? The muscle cramps and pain are known side effects, but I didn't find anything listed about the edema. Have you consulted your physician? Do you take any other medications? Do you have any other medical conditions?

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I have been taken the medication for 10 months alot of hair loss. But i can run a 10 k now without any issues. but I am lossing so much hair has anyone hair grown back. ## It likely will continue as long as you're on it. I'm not seeing any reports of it changing, while people were still on it. It's been reported by many people that took it. What else do you take to treat your breathing condition?

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I am on my fifth month of IV's in the hospital. My doctor said after 3 months, I can do it myself at home. Do any of you IV at home? If so, could you give me an idea of what that's like? I read that the medication is from a special pharmacy, and they will send the medication to the doctor. I assume they only send the meds once a month. If that's true, I might as well have it done in the hospital as his clinic is located in the hospital. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.


please give me some suggestions in regrowing the hair I have lost due to xolair injections. I'm still losing hair. I get bald spots then some of the hair grows and i lose it again and also i get new bald spots and the same thing happens again ## Are you still getting the injections? Because if you are, then there isn't likely to be much you can do to stop the hairloss or regrow the hair already lost. Learn more Xolair details here. Similar to what people experience on chemotherapy, their hair loss doesn't stop, nor does it grow back, until their treatments are done. ## I stopped the xolair injection in Oct 27 2011 and i'm still lose hair. A local doctor said that its been a year the chemical should be out of your system. but he is not a specialist in that type of injecti...

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I am starting Xolair in two days time, any tips on what to expect? ## Xolair contains the active ingredient Omalizumab, it's a humanized antibody used to treat certain types of asthma. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and injection site irritation. Read more: Does anyone else have anything to add? ## Please do not take it. I have had a lot of hair loss. The back of my head is bald. Just like a person who has had treatments for cancer. I was never told that I would have this much hair. How many of you people who have had this injection have had a lot of hair loss? Not much of my hair has come back in and it has been almost two years.

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Does any one know if this is a painful shot. Also has anyone had adverse reactions? I have to stay for 2 hours for them to "watch" me. ## I am getting my first Xoaire injection tomorrow. I was just curious if it is considered a painful shot. Also if anyone has ever had adverse reactions. I have to stay 2 hours for them to watch me. Just a bit nervous. ## How did it go? There is a potential for any shot to be painful, it not immediately, then later if it leaves too big of a bolus of medication in the muscle. There are some that you can rub out to help avoid the pain and ache of that situation. Learn more Xolair details here.

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Has anyone had surgery while on Xolair im giong for hip replacement & can find no posts on this Someone said maybe i should stop before surgery Xolair progam can not answer this question Has anyone had any surgery done while on Xolair ## @pudzzy, If you're truly concerned about taking this medication during a surgery, I would highly recommend discussing this with your surgeon prior to the operation. Reason being is that different surgeons have different pre and post operative instructions, where as some don't even allow you to take a multivitamin supplement, let alone a prescription medication. They each have their safety reasons I'm sure, but it's probably wise to make others aware of the medications you're taking, especially when it's going to be before a m...

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I will be starting Xolair after I am discharged from the hospital (kidney cancer). I would like to know what to expect. Thanks for your comments in advance. Bruce ## Xolair contains the active ingredient Omalizumab and it is not currently approved in the U.S. as a cancer treatment, it is used to treat asthma. Are you certain that is the right name of the medication you are asking about? Preliminary research has actually shown that while this does play a role in the immune systems recognition of cancer cells, it may increase risks of developing cancer. You can read more on it here: ## I have sever asthma and I have been on this drug since 2003 when it first came out. Before this, I was in the ER all the time and now being on this drug I can't say enough it keeps me out of ER and asth...

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My IGE is around 7,000 and I am allergic to almost everythin including eggs, Mushroom, many type of fruits, vegetables, pollens, mites,.... and difficult to survive since don't figure out what elses. I'd like to try Xolair and need feedbacks from people experinced it for apotic dermatits treatments. Thanks. ## please research it. read as much as you can. I had the injections and I'm still loosing my hair a whole year after I stopped it

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I am on a 2-week schedule and would like to travel around the western states. Also on Medicare. Am stumped on how to schedule with different drs and or hospital infusion rooms. Last travel time I was on once a month and the medicine was shipped to me. I carried it to the administrator and even that was difficult. ## Have you discussed it with your doctor? They may be able to help you coordinate things. Years ago, when I was on allergy shots and was on tour, I was able to just carry the vials with me, then I'd stop in a local walk-in clinic, each week, and just pay them a small fee to administer the shot. My doctor had printed up an instruction sheet to carry with me. ## Dr. wasn't much help. More recently I have spent months in Myrtle Beach. The injection nurse talked with the X...

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Both the FDA and Health Canada have issued warnings about this pharmaceutical. FDA Proposes to Strengthen Label Warning for Xolair February 21, 2007 - "The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it has requested Genentech, Inc. add a boxed warning to the product label for omalizumab, marketed as Xolair. The boxed warning emphasizes that Xolair, used to treat patients with asthma related to allergies, may cause anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis may include trouble breathing, chest tightness, dizziness, fainting, itching and hives, and swelling of the mouth and throat. In addition, FDA has asked Genentech to revise the Xolair label and provide a Medication Guide for patients to strengthen the existing warning for anaphylaxis." Early Communication about an Ongoing Safety Review o...

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My side effects include- swelling in feet and legs up to the knees. feet are tender to walk on mainly in the heels. memory has not been good and cannot concentrate. ## You should probably discuss other options for treatment with your doctor. Here's more info on this drug. Xolair Info Click Here

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