Xolair/omalizumab-hair Loss
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I have been taking this medication for 5 month and I have experience a lot of hair loss. Spoke with a friend who is taking the medication as well and has experienced tremendous hair loss. She has used Redkin Hair Products, with good success, she has managed to recoup much of her hair. Has anyone else experienced hair loss?

76 Replies (4 Pages)

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Yes I have loss so much hair and I start taking finasteride and it helped. I stopped all medication and my hair fell out again so now I have to stay on finasteride for life

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Re: Nick2021 (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Breakage here real bad too

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The link below has the side effects from the manufacturer. Click on Medication Guide.


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Re: dee (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Have you contacted the folks who did the study or the manufacturer? It would be interesting to see if anyone else has.
Or maybe report it to the FDA medwatch just in case.

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I have never tried this medication but I had thinning hair from other medications & I used to use Grow Gorgeous brand hair growth serum at night. You can buy it at Ulta or CVS on line. Amazon probably has it too. I think it’s called “Hair thickening serum” but I noticed an improvement in the first bottle (lasts about 30 days) so you will probably know if it helps before it is time to buy a 2nd one.

Now I take low dose Naltrexone for CFS and I have so much mew hair growth in the temple areas my hairdresser thought someone cut a chunk off before lock downs and she was seeing the scraggly growth. Lol she was so concerned.

I wouldn’t recommend LDN specifically for hair growth because idk if it’s a thing or if it’s just helping the inflammation in my body was hurting my hair, but at 48 yrs old I am overjoyed to have thicker hair than I did at 35.

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Yes!! I noticed it just “shedding” when I brushed it, then globs of it came out when I took my braids out... I’ve been taking it for about 4months.. gonna have to rethink about the injec

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My hair doesn't really fall much more than before, but breaks a lot all over. It's getting thiner in ends due to the breaking. I also get very anxious and with depressive thoughs few days after the injections. Then it backs to normal. Every doctor I go said it's not a known effect but I am pretty sure that it is caused by Xolair. It happens 2 or 4 days after the injections. Anyone feeling the same? And the hair breaking and getting much thiner at the ends?

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Re: Christina (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

I'm also 40. It's been several months since I stopped Xolair but my hair still kept thinning. I started breaking out in hives again but I was also starting another round of fertility treatments, as well as have heavy stress. I have no idea and this isn't the time for me to look into the exact reason why I'm having thinning hair. I couldn't get another appointment for my hives before I could take a Xolair injection to stop the hives, so I got another shot. I knew at this point they would put me on prednisone or something similar because my hives had gotten to the point they were debilitating. If I manage to get pregnant I know those hormones stop my hair from falling out, so at least I'll get a break then.

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Re: Audrey (# 55) Expand Referenced Message
I started the xolair since last June. My liver enzymes have been abnormal since. Ive had a liver biopsy and its good. I do believe xolair is the cause of this. Im yrying ti stretch out doses to see if this helps.

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Re: Kittutr (# 66) Expand Referenced Message

I honestly believe the hair loss is due to the Xolair. Most of my ither symptoms are under control but losing as much has as i have and continue to is heartwrwnching. As i said before sometimes uou need to choose your battles. My autoimmune ciu hit me adter a horrible bout of vertigo that landed me in the hospital fir a few days. It was a ling road to recovery and once i hit that i started gettjng hives. My life has never been the same. I clearly have an incredible immune system (as to why i was getting the hives, it was on overdrive) so now my immune system sucks and i get sick more than i ever use to. Also was able to go most of my life with strong bones. This year was the first time in my life i was ever on a cast. I just turned 40 this year. I broke my foot and rocked 2 different color casts. I was afraid i would have a flareup after breaking my foot but i didn't so that was a blessing. My hair is so thin that i use an elastic 3-4 times for a very thin ponytail too. I keep my back because it is naturally really curly and it can be unmanageable at time pkus if i leave it down people csn see just how thin it is.

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Re: Kittutr (# 64) Expand Referenced Message

Update. I thought my hair was going back to normal but the past few days, whenever I run my hands through it, 5-10 hairs come out without even pulling. I realize I just can't style my hair anymore because it's so thin. I used to wrap a hair elastic around twice, now it's 4 times. I rarely tie my hair back because I think it helps it fall out. I still don't know if it's the Xolair that made it fall out, or the overall stress I experienced which resulted in exacerbation of the hives? I haven't gotten hives since but I've made an effort to avoid some stress. I had 2 surgeries back to back before flaring up with hives, maybe that did it, or the 2 rounds of failing IVF I had shortly before? Xolair is too damned expensive and I hate sitting in the office for hours after my injection. Whatever. My life just sucks.

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Good evening. My name is Christina and i was diagnosed with CIU w/acute angioedema almost 2 years ago. When the illness first attacked my body i no idea just what it would do to me. I spent hours and hours in Dr. Offices only to be told "your labs look well" however upon examining my body it was clear there something more sinister going on. After about a year of arguing with Doctor's, various Ambulance rides to the hospital due to anaphylaxis an ear nose and throat specialist ran a few simple blood tests and i was diagnosed with autoimmune CIU. The steroids i was being given were helpful but only for a short period of time. I was on an array of different types of medications hoping one of those would make me better. Then I found a Dr. whi specializes in this illness and came to find Xolair. I was petrified to take it due to some of the side effects but did it anyhow with hopes i could start to overcome this mess my immune system put me in. Shortly before starting it i was a prisoner in my own home. The heat gave me hives, the sun gave me hives, everything gave me hives. Before the onset of starting Xolair my quality of life sucked. I was worried about some of the side effects of it but was willing to try anytning if it meant staying iff steroids and away from hospitals. After well over 6+ months i started to see a difference. The ine drawback....my hair. It started falling out at an alarming rate. Clumps in the shower, my hairbrush had just as much if not more. I am in a year and a half later and im still losing my hair. Im suprised im not bald. My hair is incredibly thin and i am so thankful that i have curly hair because i let it get somewhat frizzy and hide the thinning. I have a neighbor that lives up around the corner to me. She has some issues with needing attention so she has stated on now 4 different occasions that she has cancer. She doesnt. Never has just likes the idea of sympothy. I've know her for well iver a decade. She recently had me shave her head (as she was insisting she was losing her hair to the 4th round of chemo) which she has never had. She went to a salon and begged them to shave her head and they refused. Im a hairdresser so i took a look at her hair. Its thinning some but is also much older than me. The back of her hair has thick grey curls. She threw her hair away for sympothy and here i am dreading washing my hair because i know whats going to happen. My hair is now so thin i dont really even need to brush it afterwards because i can run my hands through it. It frustrates me but at the same token i have been bive free for nearly a year. Sometimes you have to choose your battles. Id rather have thinning hair than covered in hives, swollen, and using at least 1 epi pen a week.
I am also on a slew of other medications but I can say i have found relief even if it means in nealry bald.

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I recently had my third Xolair injection. My hair started falling out a lot about a month ago. I'm not bald but thin. I can't really think of any other reason why. I'm glad I found this thread. I'll demand to stop taking it and see what happens. I'm not sure if it's helping, a few days before I started Xolair I stopped my horrible chronic hives. Maybe they went away permanently. What's worse, being bald or awful hives?

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Re: Irene (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I have been in Zolair injections for an auto immune condition for twenty months now. My condition is now well controlled but my hair is falling out. It is becoming so thin that my scalp is showing through and it is brittle and breaking. Has anyone had their hair grow back normally after stopping Zolair?

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I have received 2 months worth of Xolair. I stated experiencing hair loss about a mo tb ago. I was not sure if it was for to hair processing or hormones. I am concerned because I already have fine hair. I had it cut very short a few weeks ago due to the increased loss.

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Re: Natalia Zylich (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

I'm glad your hair loss stopped. I've had three shots and my hair is falling out too. I want to stop the shot ,but need a good alternative give medication. Any suggestions?

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Adjust your dose Gloria and I think you will be fine. Remember the Doctor works for you.

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Hi Audrey
No detectable liver problems here after a few years (May 2014) Please get more opinions as there seems like there is something else working here.
Good luck

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Hi Natalia
You need a different dr. This is nothing but vanity on his part (practicing medicine) Xolair side effects include hair loss although you have to weigh the quality of life compared to the side effects. Xolair has a half life (half is gone by) 26 days so if you are getting injections before this you are effectively doubling the dose and for me it caused hair loss. I am currently on 300mgs every eight weeks and alive and at 47 have a full head of hair. This is due to the willingness of my dr. to allow me to taylor the dose to what my body could take. Get another dr and good luck

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Alex. I am glad to here you have some remission. I am in remission for three years as of may 2017 and am very happy to still be breathing. Please let the community know of your progress.
Good luck

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