G193 Pill


I found two oblong white pills, about 14mm. Blank on one side, G193 printed on the other. No scoring on either side. I thought it was lactase ("dairy pills"), which are used for treating lactose intolerance. Please help!

2 Replies

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Hi Julie,

Based on my investigation your thinking was spot-on! An oblong white pill imprinted "G 193" is reportedly identified as an over-the-counter CVS dairy relief tablet that goes by the name "Lactaid Fast Act". This product is indicated for use in treating lactose intolerance. It is said to contain enzymes that help aid in the digestion of dairy products.

I hope this helps!

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I found the same white pills in the Gas X bottle I bought. What are they doing in there? I Don't Know!!

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