What New Opioid Is The Best?


I'm taking oxymorphone 20mg ER. I used to take the 30's which worked wonders. Now my msil in pharmacy is not filling for this anymore. So my question is what new opioids are equivalent to my oxymorphone? Exalgo, Morphabond, Methadone, Fentanyl, Demerol, Nucynta or Fentanyl? Anyone taking any of these I'd like your opinion. I really don't want to change meds but.....

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There really is no best opioid that anyone can recommend, since it can vary from person to person. We are all different, so what works well for someone else may not work at all for you, and vice-versa. Most opioids carry the risk of being habit forming, and causing side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and constipation.

Fentanyl is the strongest you can get for use outside of a monitored healthcare setting, but it usually prescribed last resort, since it really leaves one nowhere else to go, if their pain worsens. There is a new one that was approved last year, called Dsuvia, but it can only be given by a healthcare professional in a monitored setting, since it is even stronger than Fentanyl.

Have you discussed your options with your doctor? Have you checked into what else your insurance might cover?

What other analgesics have you tried?

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Re: VerFree (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have basically tryed them all Diluid does nothing for me I'm not a fan of Fentanyl cause it only lasts 2 days and doc only write for every 3 days. I just tryed Xtampza 36mg and it was just o.k. I heard Nucynta was garbage and all types of morphine just plain suck. Oxycontin is o.k. I guess but the only mg that works is the 60mg and my doc won't write for that high of a mg. And my insurance will only cover 60 pills of ER a month so i couldn't even get 3 30mg oxycontin if i wanted to. I just want back my oxymorphone 30mg i go to the doc 9n Monday im gonna ask him to bump me up from the 20's

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Why are they not filling? Because Doctor lowered it because they are out? I ask because the company only makes this medicine 1x a year & I am on 40mg. My pharmacy can’t get 40 until maybe next month so I have to switch to taking 2-20mg to equal the correct amount. I am allergic to many pain meds so this is the only one I can take. When the brand name went out they tried a new ER but allergic to them all. I even use Hydromorphone for break thru but the ER is as strong for me as but it is equal to Oxy in ER way but needs Prior Authorization & has QL on them. I hope this helps. I am getting annoyed that the people with real chronic pain have to suffer for the idiots who do it for pleasure.

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Hiya mate
If you've got to change then morphine salts basically or fentanyl lozenges

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Re: Rawdog (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I wouldn't call Fentanyl transdermal patches a, "last resort", but I will agree that it is usually saved as a later in the opioid rotation game, type option.

I tried Opana 30mg once daily. Didn't like it. See, agreed again...we are all different. Currently I am on MS ER 60 mg bid, but I have been using this for over a year now and want to try another medication. I have a vibe to try generic Exalgo or its generic, hydromorphone ER. You said you didn't like that one?

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Re: Rawdog (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

That's on the patches mate, ask him for the lozenges because they relieve pain very quickly. For breakthrough pain I would personally take Oramorph but if you've been on oxys, I can't see it helping you. Have a look online but I don't think you'll find much stronger than oxys. It's going to be like putting a band aid on a compound fracture.

Good luck dude

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Re: TiredofbeinginPsin (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

What do you mean this company only makes this med one time a year??? I've never heard that before. And how did you find that out or who told you? My mail in told me they were not filling for that med anymore after filling for me over a year. They told me I would have to switch to one of the new age ones: Nucynta, Morphabond, Exlago, Zohydro, or anything that is crush or abuse proof. The thing about all this new crap is it's all garbage and doesn't work and turns to jelly or has so much anti-abuse stuff in it they forget to actually put any of the real medication in it. So in-turn does not work half as good or not work at all. So that's why I'm asking what new med out there right now seems to be the most popular or seems to work the best on the masses? I know everyone is different, I understand that. I guess I should take a poll and find out what people would take given the options of the drugs listed above in the event they had to switch their meds. And Fentanyl is not an option. My doc will not write for that. Thank you for your time and answers.

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Re: TiredofbeinginPsin (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I agree, I'm so upset over it. I was taking oxycodone 30mg for years and it was 6 a day and 90 oxycontin 80mg 3 daily and now I can't get anything. Ive been forced to go to a methadone clinic and have to go every morning, so I go at the worst time of day that my pain in lower back is at its worst and then tried suboxone because a doctor told me it works for pain. Wrong, it works for withdrawal not pain, im suffering. Ive been depressed. Im in severe pain. Here and there I drop to the floor and am forced to take the pain and wait till it gets better. It feels like I got stabbed in the back and maybe a twisting knife as well and electric shock shooting down my leg. Ive told my primary about this and was put on tramadol which did nothing. Im aware that no medication works but meds I was on in the past helped my quality of life and then my doc put me on methadone and mass health only pays a certain amount now. It helped. I could have used breakthrough pain but was grateful for what I got and I asked him a few years later to take me off and going back to the clinic I could not afford it anymore. At the time it was 100 bucks and I was honest with him. I went to the clinic, started working again and asked him to put me back on but he said no. I said I gave it up, u did not shut me off, im not getting it. Asked me to go to a pain clinic. I was shocked. Went to the pain clinic, gave them urine. It was clean and it was unexpected. They gave me nothing. Asked me to come back. I went back and same thing. I gave up as I was in too much pain. I couldn't get them anymore on suboxone again im going to ask my primary again for them and pray I get them. It's crazy and unethical to make a patient suffer. Any suggestions on what to do or where to go? Im in massachusetts. Any information is greatly appreciated.

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Re: Marc (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in Canada I took Oxycontin till they changed it to Oxyneo... Now they have generic Oxycontin here made just like the good original Oxycontin I take that now so I'm getting the same pain relief.Methadone and Suboxine are free here also.I feel sorry for all you pain patients that got cutoff and live with nasty pain..

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Re: Marc (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Think about a pain pump. I've been on one for over a year. I go in every 2 to 3 months for a refill. The pain is controlled steadily between 2-3 on the pain scale. It's easy on your stomach and so much better. Talk to your pain management doctor about getting tested to make sure it's for you. I love it.

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I don't give advice but I will tell you this. Methadone is a hellacious drug to get off of. I don't know your age or your plans but the ONLY way I'd get on Methadone is if I was prepared to take it for the rest of my life and even then I'd be leery. I don't know of any opioid that's easy to stop but Methadone is the worst of the worst.

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The best I'd Hysingla 80mg. This is pure hydrocodone without Tylenol. This is a 24hr. ER medication. I'd be taking it today but my insurance company wants me to pay $400 a month so I'm back on Methadone which is cheap.

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Re: Ghost in the Well (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

You know it's funny I asked for people's opinions about the new drugs and your the first person to actually do that. I appreciate it im just ttying to get an overall estimate on the new ones like: morphabond, Hysingla, Exlago, Zohydro, Oxecta, Nucynta, Demerol and Xtampza but no one has had any input about any of these. Its pretty sad that no one can chime in with their experience and results with trying these do i can get a better picture on eitch one to try next. Thanx for your reply

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Re: Rawdog (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever think that people are not answering your question or giving you advice on the "new" opiods because they haven't been prescribed them, not because they don't want to answer your question.

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Re: mandy (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Ummm.... MANDY, this site is worldwide I'm sure A LOT of people have tried or are on these meds. Also some of if not all the meds I asked about aren't that new most have been out for years now. So yes i do find it hard to believe no one in the world has had experience with all if not most of the meds I asked about.

And whats up with the hostile attitude? If you don't have an answer to my question, then don't reply thank you very much. Wow didn't know it was so hard to get some general input about these.

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Re: kunie (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

What drug does your pain pump deliver?

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Re: Rawdog (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Nucynta is absolutely the worst pain med. You'll get a bigger bang with aspirin.

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Re: Rawdog (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

You have to overlook some people.

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Re: Ghost in the Well (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you I appreciate your reply and by the way i bet your right!!

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Re: Rawdog (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I'm sorry but fentanyl lozenges are for cancer patients only. That's what they were made for and it's written on every single lozenge. It's people that get them for other chronic pain issues, and trust me I know it's hard, but it makes those of us with cancer fight even harder to keep the one drug that helps us. Too many people that have no business taking this drug and end up dying from it have made a mess of everything.

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Re: Rawdog (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

PDR "Physicians Desk Reference"

ThePDRmaterial contained includes:

Comprehensive indexing (four sections)by ManufacturerProducts (by company's or trademarked drug name)
Category index (for example, "antibiotics")Generic/chemical index (non-trademark common drug names)
Color images of medicationsProduct information, consistent with FDA labeling Chemical information Function/actionIndications & ContraindicationsTrial research, side effects, warnings and etc

Basically it's the Bible of prescription drugs today.
Each year a new one is released.

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Re: Ghost in the Well (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I wish we could get methadone here in Colorado, they no longer write for it!
It worked very well for my pain, thank you

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Re: Mark (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Well Mark after reading your thread it makes perfect sense. I was just telling my friend last Thursday that something changed in my body around Sept 2014, up until then, I was walking 8 miles a day, dropping weight and holding down a job. I was in a major car accident on 2/10/14 and I was still able to move forward with life and activities. Then suddenly on September 12th 2014, I started feeling heavy, legs were weighted down and muscles were overly sore. I journal everything and I didn't know what was happening. I went to my doctors and asked for MRI's and X-Rays they just told me it was age and arthritis. I told them it is like someone flipped a switch, it seemed to have happened overnight and they told me that was a common, normal feeling. I left feeling defeated and just gave up. I thought I was going insane!
Thank you for shedding some light on my very dark existence.

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Re: SurgicalaAssist (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, came across your thread while trying to find the one I have been a part of for 4 years. I have tried all of them except the new KETAMINE nasal spray. I was given a prescription for hydromorphone, but when I went to get it filled, they said it was $500.00 with United as my insurance! I said no thank you. The one that had worked best for me was methadone. It was my ER and I use oxycodone 20 mg for IR. Fentynal patches couldn't get passed my fatty tissue, Embeda sent me into congestive heart failure, Xtampza caused migraines and swelling, I was on Oxycotin and it worked, it was just $300.00 a script. It got to the point where I had to choose, pay my mortgage or get my medication! I love in Colorado and I have an amazing doctor. So if you find something that works long term please share your experience so we all can benefit. I will do the same. May you all have less pain tomorrow than you did today!

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Re: Mark (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Wow great read, I believe you 100% and you're right. But my question is what does a PDR stand for? And once again it's forcing people to go out on the street and score "H" or extra pain pills to just cope every month. I appreciate you bringing this to light. I wonder if I brought this up to my pain doc he would finally bump me back up to my 30mg oxymorphone ER instead of these garbage 20's that aren't worth a s***!! Probably not even tho in so many words my doc told me to let my pill dissolve under my tongue and/or chew it. Everything short of insufflating it. I mean really I couldn't believe my ears when he told me this. But I wouldn't have to do any of that if he just bumped me up a stanking ass 10mg to the 30's but noooooooo, can't do that, that would be wrong.

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These days it doesn't really matter which drug your doctor uses. They've all been reformulated to basically eliminate the oxytocin release from the pituitary gland which accounted for 75% of the effectiveness of synthetic opiates.

Years back everyone in pain wondered why your medications no longer worked very well on your pain... Now you know...

The PDR Physicians Desk Reference shows the reformulation. Look at a 10 year old PDR and a 2019 PDR and you'll see the difference in the chemical tree, the information and footnotes. I can't tell you exactly when it started because it varies from medication to medication, but it definitely started during the Obama administration. Which is when the FAKE opioid crisis started...

Yes they've played us for years and now you know the real facts. Even a lot of injectables have been made less effective to stop abuse. The government figures if you can't feel high from the euphoria you can't/won't abuse it, but where does that leave those of us suffering?... They could care less...

So basically your doctor who was told or suggested (laughing, it was or else!) to prescribe less of an inferior drug to help you tolerate your pain and keep quite about it! The government looks at this as a success because they truly believe they've gotten away with it...

Some of you have seen me talk about oxytocin before in the past. Late last year a doctor showed me all this info using a 2009 PDR and a 2018 PDR. So this means doctors and pharmacists knew about this reformulation and were complicit in this whole scam upon pain patients.
Like I said, the government actually thinks it's a success! But myself and I would imagine all of you too have had your quality of life suffer for years now because of this!

Let these people know that you now know the oxytocin release from the pituitary gland has been greatly lessened or inhibited from occurring from the medications they're prescribing to you. My pharmacist tried to BS me on this and say this isn't necessarily true. I told her to show me her 2018 PDR last year and I'll show her exactly what it says about oxytocin! Needless to say she conceded and said, yes this has been kept quiet for some time now, but more people like me who won't let it go and want an answer are finding it out in a PDR.

A lot of you are getting less of an inferior pain medication that's around 75% or so less effective, your quality of life is horrible and no one but you, family or friends actually care about your suffering because of the government tampering with your life saving medication and think you're not smart enough to figure out what they've done... Millions of people complaining about suffering immensely now because of pain medication that's almost worthless and everyone in this sham is as quiet as a church mouse!

They all have NO shame!!!

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